Why don’t we dance?

While working yesterday evening, thanks to her preferred internet radio station, Bambi discovered a joyful Lebanese song entitled “Yalla Nirkous” [or “Let’s Dance”] by a singer called Mr. Georges Manoukian. Bambi searched his name on Youtube and she discovered more about his talent. Well, in addition to inviting us to dance, he seems to also be into spiritual songs. Who knows? Perhaps the latter would be the theme of a future post :)?

Following this sweet musical discovery, Bambi took a little pause off work in which she decided to have fun by trying to remember as many songs as possible on the theme of dancing :). Below, she will share with you the melodies she was able to recall. She hopes you will enjoy them!

Of course, the first song that came to her mind is the French famous song “Sur le pont d’avignon” :)!

The, she thought of Mr. David Bowie’s famous “Let’s dance”!

And, naturally, she thought of “Grease”… and of you Bente (you know why :))!

To continue on the theme of dance, here is a wonderful French song that Bambi loves dearly, entitled “Dernière danse“, by the talented Ms. Indila!

Following the nice song above, how can Bambi not think of the late Mr. Sami Clark and his joyful Arabic song entitled “Oumi ta nourkous ya sabiyyi” [“Come danse with me!“]. May your memory be eternal, dear Mr. Sami Clark. This being said, if she may, Bambi would like to dedicate this song to you Charbel because you also miss Mr. Sami Clark.

Now, following Lebanese music, Bambi will switch to the beautiful German language with a song for kids entitled “Halli, hallo, wir tanzen durch den Sommer” [“Hello, hello, we’re dancing through the summer“]. If she may, she would like to offer it to you Achim because you will understand it :).

After the light song above, let’s be more serious now. Here is Ms. Martine St-Clair’s “Danse avec moi” [“Dance with me“].

In the same vein, here is a song Bambi recently featured on this blog. It is an excellent Lebanese production in both French and Arabic by Ms. Mirva Kadi and Mr. Shady Farah. Bambi will dedicate this one to you Mary because you like it.

Next, Bambi thought of Mr. C. Jérôme’s “Et tu danses avec lui” [“And you dance with him“]. Yes, compared to the other songs, this one may be rather sad. Thank you Mr. Jérôme for this moving song.

Well. the following melody is such a beautiful song about dance by the late and irreplaceable Mr. Leonard Cohen. You may guess that Bambi is talking about his “Dance me to the end of love”!

Next, the late Mr. Tino Rossi came to Bambi’s mind. If she is not mistaken, she was 11 years old when he died. May his memory be eternal… It is eternal for sure through his musical legacy, including “Le plus beau tango du monde” [“The most beautiful tango in the wold“]!

Finally, Bambi promises you that this is the last but surely not least song that she will share with you in this post. Yes, of course, it is the Dabke or the traditional Lebanese dance that came to Bambi’s mind! Below is a video posted in the past on this blog. It shows scenes of the joyful and vigorous Dabke dance that took place at the Beirut airport a few years ago. Enjoy!

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