Surprise: Bambi would like to dedicate this post to you Mary as well as to her own dad. Both have an impressive collection of Fairouz songs. They must surely have the following two pieces.
Bambi is now also thinking of her friend Firas in heaven (yesterday was his birthday actually). He was also passionate about Fairouz.
To come back to the post now, it will introduce two songs. The first one is entitled “We used to meet” and it is from a famous musical of the Rahbanis. Bambi woke up this morning singing it. No clue why. She must have heard it on her internet radio this week. It kept coming to her mind several times during her busy day.
Below you can find the lyrics followed by the song:
“We used to meet at night
Sitting on the old bridge
And the fog used to come down the Valley
Erasing the horizon along with the road
No body then knew where we were
Except the sky and the autumn leaves
And then you said I love, I do love you
And the sad cloud took us and ran away
Oh, my old years that passed, please come back
Just for one time come back
And leave me on the door steps of my childhood
If you do, I will run under the sun of roads
Oh, my old years that passed, please come back
Just for one time come back
Give me back my smiles which have gone
Far away to the corners of yards
You remember what they said about me
when I waited and you just forgot to show up
And then winter came
And summer came too but you didn’t”.
The second song, Kifak Inta?” [How are you doing, you?], was written/composed by Fairouz’ son, Mr. Ziad Rahbani. It is sub-titled in English in the video shown below.
To conclude, Fairouz is surely the asset of tiny and now bankrupt Lebanon. Not only culturally/artistically, but also as a unifying voice: Yes, one Lebanon, one love, one singing voice. Thank you Fairouz (now 87) for your inspiring career that you began in your teen years in the late 1940s!