Some of those with names related to Saint-Nicholas sadly left us too soon. Others are older. Yet others are younger… or yet to be born!
Some of you reading this post may identify with the theme of the day. Whomever you are, Bambi wishes you a Happy Name day :)! THANK you for existing in her life or for simply being alive (in your own lives :))!
When Bambi was a child, she was much inspired by Saint-Nicolas. Every Christmas season following a car explosion or a round of shelling, you could find her in the streets of her Beirut neighbourhood as a Santa Claus (Papa/”Baba” Noël :)) with a little bell and a bag of candies for the kids. Well, her little problem was that she was also a kid like them, but for a few hours, she allowed herself to behave like this kind old man! It was so rewarding and funny too since some family friends still tease her by calling her sometimes Petit papa Noël :)). Bambi adores receiving gifts in life. Yet, she is convinced that part of happiness in life is to offer gifts. Another part of life pleasure is to share those gifts with genuine family and friends.
Happy Saint-Nicholas to all those who celebrate it :)!

Recieving gifts is the best but giving them, for me at least, is just as or maybe even more fun. What a wonderful story that you played petit papa noël!! ♡
Bambi totally agrees with you Salome, giving gifts is maybe more fun! Thank you for your kind comment. To you, Bambi sends her ❤️ across the miles!
I love the story of St. Nicolas. The actual legend I think says something like Nicolas prevented the three daughters of a poor family to be sold into (sex?) slavery by leaving enough gold at their home incognito (among other things).
Wow– Amazing!Thanks for sharing… and thank you Saint Nicolas!