Although the supportive message below is from June, 2021, Bambi just came across it. It is from the Chair of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Carelton University, Dr. Blair Rutherford, concerning the saga of Dr. Hassan Diab:
Well, it seems that the French courts have decided to have him stand trial in France, despite the lack of evidence (“other than discredited evidence”) to link him to the deadly and tragic bombing of a synagogue in Paris over 40 years ago (https://www.france24.com/en/20110606-canada-bombing-extradited-france-justice-hassan-diab-paris).
Here is a statement from Dr. Hassan Diab himself (https://www.justiceforhassandiab.org/bayne-memos-2021-05):
My life has been turned upside down because of unfounded allegations and suspicions. I am innocent of the accusations against me. I have never engaged in terrorism. I have never participated in any terrorist attacks. I am not an anti-Semite.”
– Hassan Diab
If you are interested in reading the arguments of his Canadian lawyer, Mr. Don Bayne, you can find them here: (https://www.justiceforhassandiab.org/bayne-memos-2021-05).
If you want to support him, you can find all the details above (e.g., writing to Mr. Justin Trudeau, to Dr. David Lametti, etc.).
If you do not want to consider supporting him, please ignore this post.
As far as Bambi is concerned, her thoughts right now are as follows: Regardless of the back-story, why is our legal process run in this way? The story of Dr. Hassan Diab is making a farce of our entire legal system that France’s request would even be considered.
Extraditing someone twice, especially if the first time the evidence was and the second time is still extremely weak, is very questionable. I hope there will be a fair trial.
I don’t know the fine details of the underlying story, but I have a fundamental problem with someone being extradited TWICE for the same thing.
That’s pretty much “double jeopardy”, and is unacceptable EVEN IF he is guilty (which I’m not saying is the case – I just don’t know the case).
Hey France, where is this kind of hardass approach on cases like this: