Early this morning, Bambi read in the L’Orient Le Jour that the young and talented artist, called Mr. Hussein Kaouk, is the target of a violent campaign from a Lebanese newspaper as well as from kind folks on social media who are literally calling for his death (https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1280781/violente-campagne-des-partisans-du-hezbollah-contre-lhumoriste-chiite-hussein-kaouk.html). Can you imagine?
Why this violence, you may wonder? Well, in his new stand-up comedy, Mr. Kaouk seems to be making fun of the mafia of his country. Yes, all those corrupt mainstream political parties from the era of civil war, including the most powerful one, along with another allied one if Bambi gets it right.
After 31 years of migration, it is sometimes hard to understand the details of local jokes or humour. However, it remains very easy to: (1) Recognize an artistic talent, even after watching only one of his older pieces (kindly shared by a loved one many months ago) and (2) Stand up for freedom of expression. The latter is the easiest one for Bambi!
Calling for the death of someone is criminal. Killing journalists/intellectuals is literally barbaric (i.e., as a reminder, a murder that took place nine months ago remains unpunished… may Mr. Lokman Slim’s memory be eternal). Falsely accusing comedians of “collaboration with enemies” and throwing them in jail is the top of moral and human corruption (thankfully, the truth was uncovered and Mr. Ziad Itani found his freedom and hopefully dignity again).
Attacking freedom of expression, and particularly humour, is unacceptable, period. Thus, bravo to all the courageous Lebanese folks standing up together, in solidarity, by sharing Mr. Kaouk’s comedies on their social media platforms, as per the article above. Laughing about their problems is all what is left to Lebanese people (after they saw their money, their lives, and their dreams stolen). So, do no take humour away from them for their own sanity.
To conclude this post, by supporting this artist, and through him all the artists of their country, Lebanese people are saying no to totalitarianism, no to the violence of cancel culture, and no to obscurantism. This means yes to freedom of expression. Yes to arts and humour. Yes to democracy in Lebanon… and, by extension, hopefully everywhere in our world (including us in Canada).