From a quick reading of the news, Bambi learned tonight the following:
First, against all odds, and despite the continuous intimidation of the ruling mafia (mafia-militia rather; and you may perhaps recall the recent sadly fatal street clashes), Judge Tarek Bitar “still wants to question ex-Ministers” about the Beirut blast on October 29, 2021 (https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-lebanon-court-decisions-beirut-hassan-nasrallah-fdfe864d9829a64f2e56a3bf9e336acc). Despite any risk, it is reassuring to finally see a light of hope for accountability in the country of impunity.
Second, we also learned that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has officially confirmed that it has resumed its talks with Lebanon (https://nationalpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/imf-official-hopes-lebanon-program-talks-can-start-before-new-year). It is about time because the economic boat has been sinking for a while now!
Third, the new American negotiator, Mr. Amos Hochstein, just arrived to Beirut in his role as a key-mediator in the indirect talks between Lebanon and Israel to “find a mutually agreeable solution to their shared maritime boundary for the benefit of both peoples“, to use the official language of the US Embassy in Lebanon (https://lb.usembassy.gov/senior-advisor-for-global-energy-security-hochsteins-travel-to-lebanon/; https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1278459/amos-hochstein-a-beyrouth-pour-des-discussions-avec-les-responsables-libanais.html). Good luck as this is can perhaps rescue the (sinking) boat sailing in troubled waters.
Fourth and last, Lebanon may seem to be heading toward elections in March, 2022, if Bambi gets it right. This may finally bring a change… but, without being cynical (contrary to her nature), people may end up electing the same folks or parties… as we did in Canada lately. Is this a possibility?
To conclude this post on a musical note, Bambi just discovered this version of the famous Le Beirut (of Fairuz) by a talented singer, called Ms. Lina Salibi. Thanks to her and best wishes to Lebanon. Everyone loses if this tiny country collapses… First and foremost its own residents. Second, the neighbouring countries and Europe (then the world) that will have a refugee crisis, like with Syria and other troubled places. It is always wiser when we support countries in solving their own domestic crises and conflicts, whether strictly internal or with external interference, as has historically been the case of tiny bankrupt yet patient Lebanon.