Bambi would like to thank her friend Joëlle for sharing this moving song described further below [as taken from the YouTube channel of Ms. Pascale Ojeil with a quick English translation followed by the lyrics in Corsican (Corsu) and Arabic].
Bambi had the chance to visit the charming Corsica with her family almost a decade ago. It is a piece of heaven in the middle of the Mediterranean sea.
As for Lebanon, she is too biased to tell you about its beauty (for having been born there and for having visited it several times over the past 31 years), so she will let the pictures speak for themselves.
According to “Cèdre Corse” (which Ms. Ojeil is the spokesperson), and as reported by France Info, “Sintineddi sounds like a tribute from Corsica to a Lebanon bruised by all the crises it is going through… It is a way to make the reality of what the Lebanese are going through in Corsica and to help them in these difficult times” (https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/corse/corse-la-chanson-sintineddi-au-service-des-libanais-2244505.html).
The song is meant to raise awareness about Lebanon in Corsica in order to help support Lebanese students in their access to education following the Beirut explosion of August 4, 2020.

“Pascale Ojeil and Jean Charles Papi, propose to us to combine the two shores of the Mediterranean and to build a bridge between East and West where the sentries of yesteryear, who have seen so many and so many crises, offer us a glimpse of today ‘ there are so many outstretched hands and why not happiness on the horizon.
As the situation of the Lebanese people continues to deteriorate, Pascale Ojeil has decided to express the suffering of this people through “Sintineddi” Lebanon needs sentries!
Godmother of the association “Le Cèdre Corse”, chaired by Father Louis El Rahi, Pascale wanted to offer through this song a way to raise awareness of the situation of Lebanese families and to act through the association to help them pay for the their children’s education.”
Pascale Ojeil – Jean Charles Papi
(Lyrics : Ceccé Lafranchi /Music: Noel Luciani )
Tali un ochju lampatu à u mari latinu
O una mani porsa à l’imperi à liventi
Un sognu maladettu d’eternu scarpiddinu
O una chjama antica chì più nimu n’ùn senti…
chì più nimu n’ùn senti
Tali i voci chì funu da culandi à l’ora
È li visi di petra chì dissinu dinò
Quidda sumina strana ch’ùn si volsi mora
È l’idea chì tandu tuttu quì principiò.
Tali a mani chì vensi in tempu d’ancu à fà
È vi feci d’altura cù quiddu arti supranu
Ùn era ancu lu mondu è n’erati dighjà
Guardiani impitrati di u ricordu umanu.
Tali l’abbracciu primu chì u silenziu vi deti
È li sapienzi arcani cù li so canti immersi
Di ciò chì ùn hè storia tiniti li sicreti
Tali una citadella chì a memoria persi.
كنظرةٍ سارحة في البحر الأبيض المتوسط
أو يدٍ ممدودة نحو المشرق
حلم ملعون لنحّات خالد
أو نداء أزلي تصمّ له الآذان
كالأصوات التي سبقت الأزمان
وهذه الوجوه الحجرية التي أيضا نطقت
بذاك الشبه الغريب الذي يأبى أن يموت
ويوحي بأن كل شيء ابتدأ ههنا
كاليد التي تفنّنت في الايام الغابرة
فسكبت فيكم العزّ والشموخ
وُجدتم قبل ولادة العالم
حراس متحجّرون لذاكرة الإنسانية
كأولى غمرات السكون لكم
والمعرفة الغريبة لتلك الألحان في عمق البحار
تحتفظون بأسرار لم يَبُح بها التاريخ
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