Who is Ms. Claire Béliveau?
She is a wonderful aunt, a retired oncology nurse, a compassionate human being, a lady, not just any woman (with a SHARP intelligence of both the mind and heart), an inspiring painter, a great Canadian, and the list can go on and on!
Claire, Bambi is blessed to have you in her life. You have inspired her in so many ways (for almost 20 years now), including your coping with this pandemic.
Talking about pandemics, like war, the Covid-19 health crisis taught us that hardship brings out the best and the worst of human nature. With Claire, it is always the best! Bambi thanks you for all the support during her ordeal and for your genuine care. Through you, thanks to all the Béliveaus in Québec and abroad who have supported Bambi. Once again, Bambi is also grateful for all your friends for their support.
To conclude this post with beauty and music, one of your kind summer gesture was this beautiful personalized card to Bambi:

As for the musical note, two songs for you today, l’Essentiel of Ms. Ginette Reno and… of course Happy Birthday!! Bambi loves you so much and wishes you a superb day :)!

Bonjour [Bambi]
Merci pour ton blog, c’est gentil ce que tu ecris, je suis touchee,
Merci à toi Claire. Un gros câlin de Bambi!
Joyeux anniversaire à Claire.
Ginette Reno j’adore, sa voix me touche au coeur.❤️❤️??