Can Minister Maryam Monsef explain to us this comment?
Is this a silly mistake or was it calculated?
Either/or, it is worrisome…

Bambi's Thoughts
Can Minister Maryam Monsef explain to us this comment?
Is this a silly mistake or was it calculated?
Either/or, it is worrisome…
Meanwhile, in Sackville New Brunswick the mandated vaxx policy is going over like a wet fart!
The sign by the highway was spray painted with “covid nazi” but I think the more accurate term would be “medical tyrant” for what is being allowed by the big pharma vaxx cabbal who control our politicians and policy makers… I wondered if you had any thoughts on this situation? I’m unsure if the staff, workers, students, and others that work for Mount Allison U realize they have individual rights to ‘informed consent’ about an experimental gene therapy mRna jab being referred to as a ‘vaccine’ that was never safety tested/approved but authorized due to a ‘state of emergency’ order.. that in itself is nefarious in my opinion. Maybe the Taliban are in a far away place but there are people right here in this town making life difficult for others.
Thank you for sharing your concerns.
Bambi stopped following the news about the pandemic a while ago, but her initial thought is the following: Sometimes fear makes people become more authoritarian.
Like you, Bambi thinks that we should not use words that are so heavily charged like “Nazi” lightly in life out of respect for those who lived under it. Even more shocking is to see the yellow star at some demonstrations, even if Bambi sees the excesses in the management of the pandemic and how the economy has suffered (e.g., in some places in Australia, they still have severe lockdowns. Is this still necessary? Perhaps they should learn that, in the end, we have no choice but to learn to live with this health risk). Luckily, we have vaccines and choices of types of vaccines. As for the health measures in some places more at risk than us (ex. larger urban centres, crowded places, etc.), Bambi tends to agree with Dr. Mathieu Bock Côté that a tool like a digital vaccine passport (e.g., Québec, France) needs to be temporary (ensuring this with a legal framework). Yes, this is a must. If not, it can become immortal like our taxes and it could be even proposed to be used by authorities for different reasons.
Here is an interesting comment by Zahra Sultani published in the Toronto Sun.
How interesting indeed. Thank you for sharing it.
Maybe she meant to use the word ”countrymen” or in French, the word ”confrères” meaning ‘stoopid brothers.’