Happy Birthday, thank you, and welcome (back) to Canada Nayla & family!

Ms. Nayla Awad

Bambi cannot go to bed without highlighting the birthday of her childhood friend Nayla, even if she did it in a group at the beginning of this month :).

First and foremost, once again thank God because Ms. Nayla Awad and her family survived the surrealistic Beirut port explosion on August 4, 2020!

Second, Ms. Awad kindly accepted to be interviewed by Bambi twice before escaping Lebanon. She generously and candidly described the trauma of the explosion and life with hyperinflation (+ multiple crises), as you can see further below. Thanks to her for enriching this blog with her lucid insights.

At the moment of the explosion, Ms. Awad and her family had the dilemma of escaping immediately (like MANY people did!) OR to take the risk of staying until the end of their children’s school year. They took the decision to stay. The extra year may have helped, but it surely was VERY tough on many levels, to say the least. Thankfully, the family made it safely to Québec, Canada a couple of weeks ago.

Bambi is proud of you Nayla (+ Rony!) for having managed to survive the unbearable financial/economic crisis and for bringing your beautiful two children to safety. It is surely NOT easy to leave one’s life, careers, and loved ones behind. Not easy to migrate in life neither for the first nor for the second time, especially at an older age and during a pandemic.

Bambi will not take much of your time Nayla today. She just wants to say that she loves you and that she wants to offer you two songs: One meant to say Happy Birthday :)!! The second is a classical one by Mr. Enrico Macias about the generosity of “the Northerners“… Enjoy and welcome!

6 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, thank you, and welcome (back) to Canada Nayla & family!”

  1. Thank you Bambi for the lovely words and continuous support. Indeed , immigrating with the whole family was not an easy decision. But we were left with no choice as we had to safeguard the future of our kids. Our heart and mind are still with our loved ones in Beirut ! Take care

  2. Very touching interview with your friend Nayla four months after the explosion , and I can only approve all what she said about our life in Lebanon unfortunately. I wish her and her family all the happiness and luck in her new life in Canada, am sure they took the best decision to leave Lebanon where life is unbearable anymore.
    Best regards

    1. VERY moving to read your comment Maya (MANY thanks) and you know what you are talking about, recovering from surgery after surgery and pain after pain since the explosion!! Take good care and thank Goodness you are with us and with your loved ones!! Bambi loves you!

      1. Love you too my sweet Bambi and thank you for your continuous support and presence in my life❤️❤️❤️

        1. It goes both ways ?! MANY thanks to you too Dearest Maya for always being there for Bambi! Hang on… and the brighter days are/must be ahead (hopefully for Lebanon and the world!)!

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