From as far as Australia and Lebanon, families of the Beirut blast victims are demanding accountability. Will anyone listen to them?

Above this picture, taken from l’Orient Le Jour, of the so-called state leaders, we can read the following: “The power of Nitrate and the militia of Ammonium
Bambi’s heart goes to you Ms. Sarah Copeland and to your family
Thank you Ms. Copeland for all your efforts. No comment on the rest…
A picture taken from l’Orient Le Jour
A picture taken from l’Orient Le Jour.
May her memory be eternal. My justice be served for her and for everyone…
A picture taken from l’Orient Le Jour.
Merci d’être solidaires… Bambi vous envoie ses condoléances suite à cette
tragédie évitable qui a emporté ou blessé vos amis libanais
A picture taken from l’Orient Le Jour.
Hang on Ms/Mr. Najjar. Bambi’s heart goes to you!
A picture taken from l’Orient Le Jour.
May their memory be eternal. May justice be served. Hang on, please!
A picture taken from l’Orient Le Jour.
According to L’Orient Today (sister English edition of L’Orient Le Jour), Covid-19 testing was provided to people, free of charge, in three different locations. In addition, people were invited to “wear two masks (at least one)”. Those who stayed late on the streets were invited to be careful. Sadly, there were some injuries. Most were treated immediately. Others required hospitalization.

2 thoughts on “From as far as Australia and Lebanon, families of the Beirut blast victims are demanding accountability. Will anyone listen to them?”

  1. Whenever I speak to my Lebanese friends – my second family- I cannot believe their spirit of resilience.

    One year later – and still no way forward!

    Why so much suffering? Why no accountability? What have we become? Who have we become ?

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