Bambi is asking this question in relation to the Green Party of Canada.
Although it is hard to understand what is going on within this party, it is a sad to see internal divisions, particularly when we know that it is related to the Middle East.
It must have been hard to be in the shoes of Green Party Leader, Ms. Anamie Paul, this week. She also saw one (out of three) of her members leaving to another party (the governing Liberals). However, she seemed to have managed the situation in a competent, and surely dignified, way. Plus, she is quite fluent in French. Good for her.
Back in May, during the last armed conflict between Israel-Palestine, it was sad to read about a Bloc Québécois (BQ) motion calling for peace rejected by some lawmakers from other parties, despite its common sense (https://www.blocquebecois.org/2021/05/14/motion-sur-le-conflit-israelo-palestinien-lappel-a-la-paix-du-bloc-quebecois-rejete-en-chambre/).
Anyhow, Bambi will stop her blahblahblah to allow a beautiful song about love and peace to have the last word. This song was written by Mr. Raymond Lévesque who sadly left our world in February (taken by Covid-19). This song is entitled “Quand les hommes vivront d’amour” [When men will live for love]. It is interpreted by Ms. Marie-Élaine Thibert.
When will men finally live for love in the Middle East? And when will they allow others to live in peace?
And when will we have the wisdom to prevent the Middle East issues from migrating to our institutions and political parties?
Don’t we have enough of issues to deal with and past errors to fix?