Bambi would like to dedicate this post to each one of you wherever you are, whomever you are. She is grateful for every gesture of support and kindness…
She remains too busy, sending personalized thank you notes to everyone through all the platforms where you kindly reached out to her (Go Fund Me website, by email, by mail, on this blog, on her new professional website, and through text messages). Clearly, no word, in any language, can express her gratitude for your humanity and generosity. Thank you for standing up for free thinking and academic freedom/free expression in Canada!

Your support is an honour for Bambi!
Once again, Bambi would like to thank Dr. Jordan Peterson, from the bottom of her heart, for having invited her to an interview on his amazing platform (shown in the earlier post further below and in the “About” section of this blog). She wants to extend her thanks to all of you who listened to this interview, from Canada or literally from around the world. Many have recently kindly supported her after watching this interview. Merci/Thanks for your time and kindness.
By the way, as announced in the last “thank you” post shown below, please stay tuned for a video-message (by Rima Azar) in English, French, and Arabic… It is on the way.
Until then, and to conclude this post on a musical note, here are two YouTube videos shamelessly “stolen” by Bambi :):
The first one has a timely message that could have been prepared especially for you; Thank you “tiger5188” for publicly sharing it.
The second video is a children’s French song entitled “Merci“; Thanks to Jo Akepsimas for posting it. Bambi hopes you like Babar, the elephant, as much as she does :).
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