Let’s dance the Dabke!

The Dabke is the Levantine’s native dance. It is widely performed across the Middle East, including Lebanon. People dance it in groups at joyful occasions, including but not limited to weddings.

Bambi cannot hear this music without jumping to dance it at parties… And if she is by herself at home, she cannot help not to start dancing (even whilst working :)). Below, she will share three videos on Dabke.

The first video shows dancing that took place at Beirut airport in 2011 (10 years ago only, although it feels like ages in a pandemic….). This occurred during the more golden years of Lebanon. Yes, this was before Lebanon’s tragic financial crash on October 17, 2019, before the tough pandemic, and the surrealistic Beirut explosion of August 4, 2020. Lighter days will return to Beirut and its citizens and visitors will dance and enjoy life again!

Now, the second video features the “Chevaliers du Liban” of Québec. It shows us that we can dance the Dabke even in the snow :).

Finally, in the third short video, four Montreal youth teach us how to dance the Dabké (in English).

Enjoy :)!

6 thoughts on “Let’s dance the Dabke!”

  1. Love the dabke dance???
    did you watch the movie “ Bosta” it’s all about dabke it is a beautiful movie love it too?

    1. Maya, Bambi dreams of seeing you as soon as possible and of dancing the Dabke with you and your family :)! Yes, you will dance it again AND again to celebrate milestones of happy events (after completing your healing journey). No, Bambi did not watch Bosta. She is eager to do so, especially after knowing it is all about Dabke. Thanks for sharing this!

      1. Thank you dear it is also my dream to see you again and why not dance the dabke together.
        The Bosta movie is just a great movie that you will love it too, am sure. Nadine labaki plays in it and many other great actress and actresses. You may watch it on Netflix. Waiting for your feedback on this movie.
        Love you ??

        1. Love you too, Maya (imagine a big heart please– Bambi cannot draw it from desktop :)). Nadine Labaki is SO talented!! Love “Caramel” (joyful) and “Capernaum” (sad). Will definitely watch “Bosta”! OK, Bambi admits that she has not watched any Netflix movie yet (even during the pandemic :); she is a dinosaur, not a deer… she is not even on social media– well, she prefers the fun of her blog :)).

            1. OK, Bambi promises you/herself to watch Bosta! She will share her comments too. Who knows? Perhaps another post on Ms. Nadine Labaki’s “Bosta”, as she did with “Capernaum” :).

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