In the About of this blog, you can read the following:
“… Afkar” means thoughts in Arabic. Thoughts (or thinkers) are naturally free. However, paradoxically and sadly, this does not seem to be the case in our days and time, even in a “clever” small town like ours (Sackville, NB). It tells us something about the state of tolerance of diverse opinions, starting with our own brains and extending to our families, communities, schools, and public spaces.
This is why I decided to pay tribute to the freedom of ideas (or thoughts) on this blog by choosing a name that refers to a German song I love dearly, called “Die Gedanken sind frei” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Gedanken_sind_frei)...
Die Gedanken sind frei
My thoughts freely flower,
My thoughts give me power
No scholar can map them,
No hunter can trap them,
No man can deny:
Die Gedanken sind frei! “
For your freedom of spirit Dearest Firas as well as for her own values, namely of freedom and respect of the diversity of opinions in life, Bambi will sing again and again our childhood song. It remains timely, perhaps today more than ever…
She can imagine how sad you must be (even in heaven!) if you are watching the state of intolerance of diverse opinions, ironically in our beloved Canada… not just in Lebanon where people courageously resist intolerance, sometimes until their last breath, to preserve their precious collective freedom of expression… or what is left of it.