If you read this official statement, you understand between its lines, that Mr. Trudeau is letting down France, freedom of speech, and with it all the innocent populations in Europe and the Middle East (+ South Asia) aspiring for safety and the freedom to be/remain free. Why is Bambi saying this? Because of all the platitude in his statement. We can read about his concern for the fight for climate change even :), but… not the topic of the day, that is the fight against Islamist forces!
Isn’t it this sad given the recent tragedies not just in France, but also Austria and Afghanistan (i.e. in Kabul University)?
In contrast to our PM, Mr. Aoun, Lebanon’s President, courageously stood up for France, in his personal name and in the name of Lebanon, against Islamist terrorism (Bambi thanked him in an earlier post).
Note that he is the President of a country with a large proportion of Muslims.
He is even aligned with an Islamist party (Hezbollah), who was vocal about the cartoons and against Mr. Macron.
He also has some Islamist dormant (sometimes not that dormant) forces in his tiny country. Mr. Erdogan is agitating them against France. They even criticized the President for speaking as he did.
How ironic that the President of tiny Lebanon showed more dignity (and courage) in his position than our own Mr. Trudeau who clearly is in less danger.
Not only Mr. Trudeau did not defend free speech in Canada. With his silence about Islamism and his choice of words, he seems to be choosing his side. It is not the side we would have expected from Canada.