A powerful message from the German Ambassador in Beirut!

“Vielen Dank Herr Andreas Kindl für Ihre inspirierende Botschaft der Hoffnung für das libanesische Volk”. Sie wollen die Wahrheit über die Explosionskatastrophe vom 4. August, 2020, wissen.”

Yes, thank you Mr. Andreas Kindl for your inspiring message of hope to the Lebanese people. They want to know the truth about the tragic explosion of August 4, 2020.

If she may, Bambi would also take the opportunity of this post to send you her condolences for the loss of your colleague in the Beirut blast :(.

Your message about the unification of Berlin is moving, to say the least. The historic change that the people of Germany made for their country has been inspiring to the whole planet (particularly to Bambi)! To cite you, they did it with their strong will yet peacefully. You also explained well how the change is a continuous process (work still in progress).

Listening to your message below gave hope to Bambi (in addition to goose bumps), even if the resistance to change of the Lebanese political system has been sadly too strong since October 17, 2019. As you said, the tough situation culminated with the explosion of August 4th (of course, there is also the pandemic affecting your country, Bambi’s birth country, Canada, and the whole planet).

To conclude this post on a note of hope and love, Bambi would like to thank her sister Rania for sharing this video tonight. Rania, you went through a lot of adversity with your injured spouse and daughter. Bambi is blessed because you are all alive (so are our parents, despite the destruction). She is proud of you and she misses you. No tears in your eyes now whilst reading, she hopes… If so, please quickly add to them your beautiful smile :)!

Video Message of German Ambassador #Germany30

اليوم قبل 30 عامًا ، توحدت ألمانيا، بعد سقوط جدار برلين، مرة أخرى. لقد أفسح النظام القديم المجال لبلد جديد – تغيير هائل لم يتوقعه أحد. #TDE2020 #germany30 سفير ألمانيا في لبنان أندرياس كيندل يتحدث عن التغيير رغم كل الصعاب. ماذا تعني لك الوحدة الألمانية؟ أضف رسالة الفيديو الخاصة بك!

Posted by German Embassy Beirut on Sunday, October 4, 2020

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