At home, his speech was heavily criticized across provinces and territories. Not surprisingly, he promised us more and more public debt… over decades, he wanted to reassure us.
As usual, he also meddles in provincial affairs and seems to care more about special interest groups than about the average Canadian.
As Ms. Denise Bombardier said, our Governor General may have perhaps wished to go back to space while reading this speech ?
Bearing this in mind, Bambi listened to the whole UN speech of our PM yesterday before going to sleep. Well, she was happily surprised and even impressed. His speech was much better than the usual. He even dared to criticize Iran, Russia, and China, without naming them. Bravo Mr. Trudeau for standing up for justice around the world!
He did not even use buzz words like “systemic racism”. He just said racism among other problems of our world in crisis.
He even mentioned the Lebanese people in his example of a country’s sufferings.
Of course, he talked about climate change, and that’s fine. What resonated the most in Bambi’s mind is the above message. It sounded clear, courageous, and in line with those classical liberal values that Bambi has been missing much over the past years. Those conservative values too of standing up for what Canadians believe in. These are the values that unite us and make us so well respected in the world. Can we have more of these words and acts, Mr. Trudeau? Can we have our OWN wisdom back, not just repetitions of global buzz words empty of meaning? And while there, can we have our country back please?
Thank you, Mr. Trudeau, for giving Bambi hope yesterday night. It has helped her upon waking up to more dramatic news from Lebanon… Precisely because of Iran’s hegemony over her birth country, through some Lebanese proxies. (https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/26/middleeast/lebanon-pm-designate-steps-down-intl/index.html).