The Facebook page of Saint George University Medical Centre in Beirut, Lebanon (https://www.facebook.com/pg/saintgeorgehospital/posts/?ref=page_internal) currently reads as follow:
“4 August 2020 –> 4 September 2020. One month has passed and it still hurts, the loss of our nurses, patients and visitors, the total damage of the hospital. A documentary from our heart capturing what words cannot express. Our heartfelt gratitude to the director Zeina Farah ❤️
#TOGETHER_WE_CAN rebuild our #hospital and resume serving all our #patients through our power of survival and your #support:
#TOGETHER_WE_CAN rebuild our #hospital and resume serving all our #patients through our power of survival and your #support:
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-rebuild-saint-george-hospital-beirut “.
Bambi will spare you her blahablablah and just share the video at the end of this post. Anyhow, even if she wanted to express any word, she cannot as she is still speechless since August 4th, 2020, when the tragedy hit close to home.
Thankfully, Ms. Zeina Farah, our talented Director, put her heart and soul into this video to tell us, through people’s own words and tears, the story of what happened at that hospital on August 4, 2020.
Bambi is grateful because Zeina kindly shared her documentary, which is sub-titled in English. In it, you will see pictures and hear sounds that will move your heart.
You will listen to nurses, physicians, and health administrators sharing stories of life and death, of heroism and humanity, of devotion to medical care in the middle of a catastrophe that is beyond description, of efficacy and competence (evacuating the hospital in just a few minutes, even without mixing covid-19 patients with all the others injured patients and guests). Among all the moving stories, you may recognize that Canadian young father (who later will lose his 3-year-old daughter, Alexandra (or Lixou) :(. Bambi was moved to learn how he helped the nurse in calling her own parents to reassure them whilst they were in an ambulance rushing to take his own child to another hospital. Finally, you will hear colleagues honouring their 21 peers who lost their lives.
Following the video below, Bambi will remind you of an earlier post about this hospital immediately following the tragedy. To conclude this post, she will allow herself to borrow the words of Father Elias Farah (from the video), singing a Byzantine prayer in Arabic at the memorial for the victims who lost their lives at that hospital: “Fal Yakoun Zikrihoum Mou Abadan“. This means” “May their Memory be eternal…”.
May we all remember to love and take care of one another, at all times and perhaps especially in such absurd times of criminal negligence in a country that is fed up of corruption, violence, and of organized stupidity at the highest governance levels. Where is that investigation of five day only, that the Lebanese authorities promised? It has been “5 days” six times now…