First, here is Mr. Facal’s clever article published in the Journal de Montréal yesterday:
Second, here is a quick translation for you…
“Sorry, but “spectacle de merde” is the only way to translate “shit show”.
This is the adjective used by Michelle Kovacevic, Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance in Ottawa, to qualify WE Charity, in emails which show that the version of events told by Trudeau is a fabrication.
Suppose, dear reader, that you are among those who voted for Justin in 2015.
Anyone can be fooled.
You found him cute, refreshing, and you thought those who said bad things were nasty “separatists” or nasty conservatives.
Did you vote for him again in 2019? It’s already harder to defend.
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Now let’s bring the movie to this day.
Trudeau has been blamed twice for serious ethical faults: family vacations paid for by a friend of the regime and interference in a legal process.
His justice minister foolishly felt that criminal charges should be laid against SNC-Lavalin.
It was too much for Justin.
WE Charity will certainly earn him a third blame.
Worse, the RCMP are examining the contract he wanted to give the Kielburgers to keep paying his mother, brother, etc.
Not a good sign at all.
WE Charity, by the way, has finally just entered the Lobbyists Registry after 18 of its representatives contacted 19 federal agencies 65 times in 2019 and 2020.
Obviously, a scapegoat was needed.
Morneau could not be fired for ethical reasons: how could Justin pose as an example of probity?
So we make it up that Morneau was not spending enough to Justin’s taste!
Have you ever felt the slightest budgetary restraint at Morneau, which put us in debt even when the economy was doing well?
If that wasn’t enough to Justin’s taste yet, what does that tell us about his future intentions, do you think?
Its economic plan will be unveiled on September 23. As he has promised not to raise taxes, the new spending orgy will be made with borrowed money.
Justin, you see, thinks he hasn’t owed us enough debt yet.
And to avoid facing the grape-shot of the opposition parties, he is shutting down Parliament like a banana republic potentate.
The vote of confidence in Parliament will take place at the end of September. Each party does its calculations.
Broken like a beggar, the NDP could save Justin by letting themselves be bought for cheap.
Justin could throw [“garrocher” in French] a few billion in an NDP fad [“lubie” in French], like a pan-Canadian dental insurance program (oops, a provincial jurisdiction).
So, I come back to you, dear reader who voted for Justin in the past.
Between us, admit he had you good, eh?
But if you told me that you would vote for him again, then you have to explain.
Do you really, really want four more years of this shit show?
What do you have left as an argument? That you don’t like other people? Seriously…
What if we voted on principles? Justin doesn’t. You do.”