This story happened in Lebanon.
Yesterday was the Lebanese Army Forces (LAF) Day.
The LAF is historically respected by all citizens. It is considered as the red line of national security.
OK, the soldiers of the Dear LAF are not eating meat anymore because of the tough economic times.
OK, the Hizbullah is a MUCH stronger militia force than the LAF.
OK, the LAF had its sad times during civil war when it got divided, more than once.
However, despite all the above, the LAF survived and somehow managed to keep its unity and respect by all. Bravo to all the soldiers serving their country and assisting citizens!
Bravo to an army that has removed its mandatory service a few years after civil war. This is not that common in the Middle East.
An army that is as diverse as Lebanon… and yet united, as mentioned above.
Now, back to the story of censorship that happened at yesterday’s virtual concert.
The latter was meant to celebrate the LAF’s 75 years of existence (occurring on Saturday, August 1st, 2020). Due to the pandemic, there was neither a parade nor a performance. However, a certain NGO organized a virtual concert to honour the LAF. This so-called NGO is ironically called “Lebanese and proud”…. well, proud except of the one censored sentence, as you can see below. Proud BUT not of its revolution against the mafia-like government.
Bambi has posted about the song for Beirut that was the object of the stupid censorship in a few of its most powerful lyrics (of a famous poem): the sentence “For revolution is born from the womb of misery”got replaced by… “lalalalala” (you can see this earlier post at very end of this one).
Should we laugh or cry about this stupidity?
Do they really think that the Lebanese people are that stupid (mmm, maybe *bébé lalala*, as they say in Québec… Hence their lalalalala melody :))?
VERY seriously now, does this make any sense?
How can anyone think that not reminding the people of Lebanon that their revolution (against the corrupt political elite) was born from the womb of their CRYING misery is not necessary?
How can anyone think that just because the truth is silenced that it will stop existing all of a sudden?
Below, you can see a recent statement by the MTV, which covered the event and remember further below Bambi’s earlier post with a link to the beautiful song:
“MTV issues statement on the event that took place on Army Day”

“Following the reactions and comments that were made regarding the replacement of a phrase from a song that includes a reference to the “revolution”, which happened during the live coverage of “Kermelak Ya Watan” concert on Army Day, MTV has decided to confirm the following:
The TV station, which assumed the live coverage of the protests and never hesitated to spread the people’s voice as they protested against the political class, is against all forms of suppression of the freedom of speech and has paid, and still is paying, a hefty price for it.
MTV was in charge of the productive aspect of the above-mentioned concert, which includes filming and directing. In addition to other related tasks, such as the reports and the content of the presentation, which Tony Baroud was in charge of, without interfering with the technical aspects of the artistic and musical program, and the selection of songs. Therefore, the TV station had nothing to do with the changes that were made for one of the songs.
The TV station would like to stress that the Lebanese Army Day is a national and inclusive occasion, and the concert was held yesterday to express this unity, which is the result of the joint work and the distribution of roles between the army, the organizers and MTV, in addition to the valuable contribution of the artists, the orchestra and the choir.”
At least the genius that replaced the incriminated phrase has just the vocabulary of one year baby.
Lalalalala in french “babillement”
C Q F.D.
Nothing more to add