First, the Bloc Québécois fully supports its leader, the 31 MPs. Easy to do in the case of an anonymous FB post on an anonymous site (apparently not hosted in Canada?), which is logically and apparently defamatory.
Second, Mr. Blanchet did an outstanding press conference. You can begin hearing him at 12:43 minutes of the following video, in French followed by questions in both languages (answers in French).
Mr. Blanchet is right. In Québec and in Canada, we are lucky to live in a country that has a rule of of law.
At one point during his press conference, he invited us to close our eyes and imagine for one second that we are in his shoes. Indeed, what an awful situation to find oneself in. How unfair, to say the least.
As his peers described him in their statement cited above, Mr. Blanchet is a decent man of integrity. Indeed, we can see, hear, and feel this in his verbal and non-verbal communication during this press conference (and throughout his career).
Bambi has been following the performance of this politician for a while now. He is true to himself. His positions in the parliament and his tweets are all aligned in the direction of integrity. Québeckers are lucky to have his bloc and we, in the rest of Canada, are also benefiting. Thank you Mr. Blanchet and please keep up!
To the other politicians or public figures, make no mistake… As Ms. Denise Bombardier concluded her article recently published in the Journal de Montréal: “Who is next?”. Today, it is about Mr. Blanchet. Tomorrow it may be the turn of someone else.
It is morally wrong and it is surely not courageous to use anonymous sexual harassment or other direct or indirect allegations (racism or whatever else) as a weapon to destroy someone’s reputation, honour, and career.
Bambi will always stand up for ANYONE wrongly accused of sexual or other misconduct, whether she likes him or not, whether she shares his opinions or not.
This has nothing to do with her support for the REAL victims. As Mr. Blanchet said, our society is facing a challenge: to defend the real victims without creating new victims of defamation. Well said.
Today, standing up for Mr. Blanchet is very easy because this story does not make any sense. On top of that, and likely related to this saga, Mr. Blanchet is doing a great job (citizens do appreciate him; it shows in surveys).
Bambi thinks highly of this politician, today more than ever!