First, further below, you can see the CNN worrisome story about Lebanon.
Interestingly in it, they mention the Ponzi scheme, a regulated fraud (Lebanese government/banking sector) that has operated for decades and which is likely responsible for Lebanon’s economic collapse.
According to the Office of Investor Education (https://www.investor.gov/protect-your-investments/fraud/types-fraud/ponzi-scheme), “a Ponzi scheme is an investment fraud that pays existing investors with funds collected from new investors. Ponzi scheme organizers often promise to invest your money and generate high returns with little or no risk. But in many Ponzi schemes, the fraudsters do not invest the money. Instead, they use it to pay those who invested earlier and may keep some for themselves”.
Here is a short video explaining this type of investment fraud:
Here is the CNN news piece by Mr. Ben Wedeman. Thanks to him:
Yes, there is hunger now. Plus, how can a country survive without electricity?! How can people keep their scarce food refrigerated? How can industries (or what is left of them…) and hospitals keep running? One protester talked about 4 hours of power per day ONLY. Can you imagine? It is like the effect of an ice storm that has never ended since the end of their civil war:
When Bambi visited her family in Beirut last December, a power accident happened (both the government’s electricity and the private power came together, doubling the voltage to 440!). Her dad was smart and fast enough to act to minimize the consequences. Yet, there was damage to several appliances. The scene was scary, especially that it happened in the middle of the night (like fireworks or bombs)!
What is the solution? Which entity or country will trust Lebanon enough to dare to help it again, without seeing any single promise of serious reform? Will Lebanon reform its system in the end? Is it capable of doing so, despite all the barriers? And, if so, from where to start to end the systemic and endemic corruption?
Anyhow, in the middle of Lebanon’s financial fiasco, there is the covid-19 pandemic like in the rest of the world, with increased strain on the economy. It is in this context that the Lebanese Red Cross operates to help people. Its members are volunteers who work hard to transport patients to hospitals, coordinate, and provide care in pandemics, war situations, or after car accidents, etc. They have been doing this devoted work for 75 years now (https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1225535/-nous-sommes-a-vos-cotes-peu-importe-votre-race-et-votre-religion-.html). Bless them! Mind you, the Lebanese Red Cross volunteers there are genuine ones (No, they do not get paid by a WE Charity ?. OK, that was a sarcastic comment meant for Mr. Trudeau :(!).
All this being said, the Canadian Red Cross is now helping the Lebanese Red Cross, thanks to Mr. Fouad Farès. The latter is a Montreal (Québec) citizen who came up with this idea. Bambi heard him the other day on the LA internet radio she listens to whilst working. A moving interview, to say the least. Here is his message (in his own words), as featured on the Canadian Red Cross donation portal:
“A walk for a life!
It has been 100 days since my mum’s passing. Since her illness, 10 years ago, the Lebanese Red Cross took care of her every time she needed to go to the hospital. They took care of transportation and cared for her 20 times, 10 of which during her last 6 months.
Lately, I learned from the Lebanese Red Cross committee in Canada, that every transportation mission costs $800. As Lebanon is going through tough economical times, driving a dramatic grants’ reduction to the organization, I decided to help those in need in Lebanon while ensuring them a free transportation mission in dignity by the Lebanese Red Cross.
My mum had 20 life chances, it is my turn to give back to those in need and raise funds to offer 200 life chances by walking & cycling for 40 consecutive days to cover 1500km so please:
Help me save 200 lives by helping the Lebanese Red Cross!
Fouad Farès”
End of his message.
Below, you can find the web portal of the Canadian Red Cross, specifically designed to support the Lebanese Red Cross. Thank you!
May Mr. Farès’ mom rest in peace. May his heart be filled with peace whilst walking/biking, in the early morning hours and, again, after work.
What a beautiful way to honour his mother’s memory whilst helping his birth country. Bravo!