For fun, Bambi did a quick tour of the tweets of our political leaders, searching for those who would sound the most normal versus those who would be “illuminated”, lecturing us on systemic racism or unconscious bias in our hearts as well as in our institutions.
Well, the good news for Mr. Trudeau is that, in a video, he seemed rather reasonable today. He only mentioned racism once, without attaching to it the word “systemic”. He even told us that we are good people and our country is a nice one.
The NDP video by its leader, Mr. Jagmeet Singh, seemed OK. Same for the Conservative party. Mr. Blanchet, from the BQ, made a rather sarcastic tweet to highlight the moving day in Québec (leases end on June 30th). In all his other tweets, we could see his usual reasonable side.
The most extreme/weirdest tweet came from the Green Party of Canada (by Ms. Elizabeth May). See for yourself:

Ironically, this contrasted with the tweet of Independent MP, Ms. Jody Wilson-Raybould who sounds definitely more patriotic than her other peers:

Of course, Bambi was curious. She also checked the tweet of Mr. Maxime Bernier (who lost his seat as an MP in 2019). Here is his thoughtful message:

Then, Bambi thought to herself the following: Interesting all this. Let see now the tweets of Mr. Dominic Leblanc and Mr. Stéphane Dion about Canada Day. Both are with the Liberal Party of Canada (like Mr.Trudeau).
Mr. Dominic Leblanc did not surprise Bambi because she considers him to be smarter than our PM. His message was reasonable, making much sense about Elections Canada on Canada Day (100 years already of this institution), followed by a normal, nice video.
Mr. Stéphane Dion, a Classical Liberal, had a wonderful message in German ( cool ?), English, and French (he is now the Ambassador of Canada for the EU and in Germany; likely a move by the unwise Mr. Trudeau to push him away from us). Bambi knows Mr. Dion very well for having been her MP whilst living in Québec for 15 years. A politician respected by all his constituents, especially the Lebanese community of Saint-Laurent in Montreal.

So, based on the little tour above, there is some hope left for common sense and patriotism to prevail, at least for this year. This, despite SAD trigger warnings of some media about our beautiful Canadian flag (who receive bailout money from our federal government):

Luckily, for Canadians, their provincial and territorial politicians are more reasonable than the fashionable federal politicians.
See for yourself below.
Thank you Mr. Higgs, Mr. David Coon (in both languages. Wow ?)!), and Mr. François Legault (thanks for having a thought for francophones outside of Québec)!
What a sad contrast with some of our francophone or so-called francophile elite (at all governmental levels) who do not seem to care as much as you do (no need to name anyone here; it is easy to guess).

Excellent and instructive summary of what our leaders think of Canada!