Here is the story in English:
Here is the story in French:
Briefly, Mr. Alain Therrien, a BQ MP had the courage to vote against a unanimous vote that our RCMP is systemically racist.
Mr. Jagmeet Singh, NDP Leader, called a BQ MP “racist” after the above motion by his party failed to receive unanimous consent from the House of Commons.
It is nice to see another BQ member requesting his apologies and defending her colleague.
However, Mr. Singh refused to apologize for the words directed at her colleague.
Interestingly too, the Speaker invited Mr. Singh to apologize to Mr. Therrien. As he refused to do so, the Speaker ordered him to leave the House for the rest of the day.
Here is the official position of the BQ:
“We are convinced that discrimination against indigenous communities and other cultural minorities is a major issue. However, we believe it is inappropriate to impose conclusions on a committee before it has studied it. We respect the parliamentary process”.
According to Mr. Singh, “anyone who votes against a motion against systemic racism like the one his party proposed is a ‘racist’”:
Well, if this is his definition of racism, Bambi is racist then (but this was established a while ago in our small town, which has led to the creation of this blog actually). Mind you, her spouse has been called racist a while ago for citing Mr. Martin Luther King who said that he looks “to a day when people will be judged by the content of their character and not by the colour of their skin” ?.
Nowadays, we have to see the colour of skin of a person ONLY and not his/her merit. If we don’t, we are racist.
So, if this is racism for you Mr. Singh, Bambi is proud to be respectful to her Indigenous fellow Canadians whilst thinking it is premature, and perhaps unfair, to jump to a conclusion as dramatic as a police force that is systematically racist. Even, in Lebanon, this “black” and “white” thinking would not be logical to apply without investigations and facts.
Ms. May said the other day that she was treated nicely when she was arrested, during an illegal demonstration, because she is “white”. Bambi thinks that it would make more sense to think that it was perhaps the case because she is an MP AND she is a woman (Bambi will add a cute woman on top of that, because she likes her ?).
Our honourable Senator, Senator Lillian Dyck, asked the other day for the resignation (or firing) of the RMCP Commissioner, Ms. Brenda Lucki. Bambi agrees… perhaps not for the same reasons. Maybe because she did not have the courage to stand by her statement (too much politics and less administration of security forces). Clearly, regardless of her reasons, she does not seem to have the luxury of the courage of Ms. Jody Wilson-Raybould nor of Mr. Mark Sanders, the Toronto police Chief: