Below, you can find 4 images of the open letter sent from the President of the USA to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO).

What Mr. Trump is pointing to is how the WHO seems to have been captured by China (as a major interest group). He has a point and the behaviour of China, with the cover of the WHO at the beginning of the pandemic, is simply an unacceptable behaviour. Mind you, this latter behaviour would have been also questionable, even if had been engaged in by Canada, Lebanon, or any other country of the world. So, imagine if it is once again by China (i.e., like in 2003 with the SARS crisis, as Mr. Trump referred to on page 3 of his letter).
Now, look at the reaction of our federal Minister of International Development, Ms. Karina Gould. She said “it is not the World Health Organization’s place to question China, arguing that the organization tasked with global public health is a product of its member states, who in turn should be pushing for transparency“:
Of course, she makes sense, if we are looking at the consistency with Canada’s attitude toward China, that’s for sure. Same as Mr. Trudeau, Ms. Hajdu, Dr. Tam, etc. The attitude remains the same: No backbone. Too much economic (+ ideological?) dependence on one single country can kill creativity, prosperity, and even sovereignty… at least intellectually, to begin with.
But it may be economically as well (e.g., mining sector), and not just in the health sector:
China seems to be using the same strategy with us as with those African countries, from which some of the WHO elite come from (e.g., Dr. Ghebreyesus).
Perhaps Canada is afraid of receiving the same treatment as Australia, namely an economic punishment by China for having also denounced its behaviour (with France, Germany, the European Union, and many smaller countries)?
Perhaps Canada (or rather Mr. Trudeau personally) is aspiring for a high (or the highest?) position within the UN (or its WHO office, who knows? Or that may be also Dr. Tam’s own ambitions)?
Perhaps it is just a political-economic choice of alignment because of interests to Canada that we are missing, as citizens?
Perhaps Mr. Trudeau can see things more clearly than all of is, as our PM? Maybe he has a vision for Canada after all, hoping it is not just about it moving backward.