Ms. Hajdu, our federal health Minister, said in response to a question from a reporter asking “… whether the WHO’s data could be relied upon if China’s isn’t accurate”:
“Your question is feeding into conspiracy theories that many people have been perpetuating on the Internet”.
If this is not intimidation to reporters, what is it? Mr. Lorrie Goldstein may be right on this one:
In an apparent response to a similar question by a reporter last Wednesday, Mr. Trudeau said:
With all due respect to our PM, the “…” above is his usual beautiful yet empty blahblahblah.
You may wish to fill the dots with whatever words you like. Words that sound politically correct, perhaps “inclusive”, socially or… even globally acceptable. Regardless of your choice of words, Bambi bets they will likely not provide any real answer (yes, regardless of the question).
This is a rather classical Trudeau communication style, at least in politics. It was like that pre-pandemic. It will continue to be so post-pandemic (for those who will survive to witness).
His minority government will likely continue to throw money at us, now more than ever… from our own taxes, taking it from one pocket to the other. Of course, regardless, it is nice for us to have a government that has the willingness to support citizens in this awful economic crisis. Bambi remains a grateful “deer”, just like her fellow “human” Canadian citizens.
This being said, despite people’s incredible capacity to learn, Bambi is convinced that what would predict human behaviour the best in life remains perhaps simple (no need for fancy statistical modelling to estimate it): In general, if she may generalize to all human beings including Mr. Trudeau, past behaviour tends to the best predictor of future behaviour.
In other terms, what we have seen from Mr. Trudeau in past crises, in the pre-pandemic era, will likely be his approach during a pandemic. If we are seeing a promising difference now, we should always remember the wise French saying that goes like this: “Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop”. In English, it means: “what is bred in the bone will come out in the flesh”.
Of course, this saying applies to anyone, including former Drama teachers, despite their better skills in hiding what would be “bred in the bone”.