Bambi would like to thank journalist Roula Azar-Douglas for her tweet of this interesting website:
Above, we can click to refresh the data.
Data shows total cases, including both incidence (new cases) and prevalence (continuing cases), severe cases, and mortality. As well, we can see the progress rate, the source of infection, the characteristics of mortality cases (sex, age range, and underlying conditions).
As of Sunday, March 15, 2020, Lebanon has a total prevalence of 99 cases (3 of them serious) with 3 deaths.
It is interesting that there are less infections among older people. It is somehow reassuring. Perhaps senior citizens know how to be wise and protect themselves (especially given their increased vulnerability).
Today night, Lebanon will be closing its border with Syria.
Army intelligence forces and municipal police officers are asking people to stop walking on the seaside corniche in Beirut and in another northern suburb.
It seems that the government cabinet, at least what is left of it, seems to be trying to work in the middle of a crisis (health) within a crisis (financial/economic). For instance, it will approve extraordinary and preventive measures. Of course, it made mistakes and careless decisions at the beginning of the pandemic. Bambi is saying this and she is not fond of that Hezbollah-backed government. However, we should give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar.
At least, they are working… Bambi hopes that our federal government will make the same efforts (like our provincial efforts and like Lebanon).