It is particularly disturbing for an old immigrant, who has recently witnessed her birth country dive deeper into its economic crisis, to see Canada shattered like this and our economy being paralyzed and gradually being destroyed in the longer term. Why are we doing this to ourselves? Bambi expects the next decades not to be promising, unless we collectively wake up.
Anyhow, on a more personal joyful note, Bambi feels proud of herself because she did not vote for a second Trudeau’s mandate. One was more than enough for her (as we say in her mother tongue, “we can guess the content of a letter from its title” ?).
Below is a translation of Mr. Joseph Facal’s article published today in the Journal de Montréal:
“It is not a collapse, it is an evaporation.
At the rate at which Justin Trudeau’s leadership is going up in smoke, there will soon be no more moisture on the ground.
No one knows what the consequences of the Aboriginal crisis will be.
But whatever these consequences, Justin Trudeau will not recover from the last days.
This crisis will have been the ultimate revealer of its radical shortcomings, visible for a long time to those who refused voluntary blindness.
It is not said that he could not win another election. We never know.
But he is sure and certain that he will only be strong now out of the weakness of his opponents.
He will be in power, but he will not really exercise power. For that, you have to be respected and, to a certain extent, feared.
He will no longer be either.
He is like these boxers who no longer know where they are and stand up by reflex.
These days, we were wondering if the Prime Minister, by a kind of bewildering overthrow, was not… the leader of the Bloc.
Modern politicians are often criticized for being self-conscious.
This is a somewhat unfair reproach insofar as the politician who does not care about his image is condemned, in a society where everything is publicized, to fail.
The supreme skill is to build an image of a guy … who does not care about his image, which François Legault, for example, has succeeded very well so far.
The important thing is to know if, behind the image, there is a content, a basic solidity.
Behind Justin Trudeau’s image, there’s nothing, absolutely nothing, except a little machine for making tears and looping apologies and empty sentences.
Obviously, the more you put on the image, the harder the fall.
We had a spectacular demonstration of his shortcomings in the SNC-Wilson-Raybould affair.
Today, there is no longer any doubt: this now naked, spectacularly hollow man is an authentic empty shell.
Worse than empty, this man also turns out to be a coward.
To “toss the ball back in the court” of provincial governments is to pretend that the aboriginal question is not a federal jurisdiction.
It is as if inter-provincial freight transportation is not a federal responsibility.
It is as if Canadian energy policy is not ultimately a federal responsibility.
There is something deliciously ironic in the fact that the current crisis concerns both the aboriginal issue and the energy issue.
It was on these two issues more than any other that Justin had wanted to establish his alleged difference from “old” politicians.
On these two issues, he has drifted from one pitfall to another for five years.
He cannot even invoke surprise. Who had not yet understood that the aboriginal question is a match near a barrel of powder?
How much longer do we have to endure it?”