Compared to the rest of Canada and the world, including Lebanon following two months of revolt, Québec knows how to acknowledge, investigate, and address corruption. From time to time, even politicians spend time in jail (e.g., the 27th Lieutenant of Québec, several municipal politicians, etc.).
Bearing this in mind, Mr. Fred Klein who is one of Bambi’s good friends, is very creative. Indeed, several years ago, he came up with the word “Kebekistan”. He also had the original idea of opening a restaurant and calling it “Le Canard corrompu” (The corrupt duck) where bills would be brown envelopes in which customers add cash money. He called the bill: “la facture salée” [hefty bill. In French, we literally say “salted” ?].
Here is a picture illustrating his concept:
In the same spirit, today, Fred K. shared with Bambi the following Montreal Gazette’s article by Mr. Brown Brownstein about a board game on the corruption in the construction industry. An interesting invention by Mr. David Loach:

This being said, let’s put the topics of corruption and politics aside (hard when we are visiting Beirut these days). For a change, here are some nice pictures and video links, all taken in Lebanon:

Above is a picture of the beautiful Saint Dimitrios (“Mar Mitr”) Greek Orthodox Church in Beirut. This is the place where most of Bambi’s beloved relatives and/or ancestors are buried.

Above is the nativity scene at the ABC mall in Beirut. This mall seemed rather empty today, except for people meeting friends to eat or drink a coffee.

This elegant lady is Bambi’s childhood friend, Nayla Awad-Khoneisser. She surprised Bambi with unexpected Christmas gifts: two beautiful heart pillows, one for her and one for her mom even. How sweet ?. Bambi took this picture of Nayla as soon as she saw her. She was impressed by the elegance and beauty of her dear friend!

Lebanese people love their balconies, even in the winter. This is the balcony of one of Bambi’s sisters (Roula). Watch the heaters from “Azar Electric” (of course the best store in Beirut ?!). People use them here, even in the +17 degrees Celsius, a temperature described as being “cold”!

Red Mullet with fried pita bread. Mmm!

Bambi’s dad surprised her with “Surgel” ice cream today. Mmm-Thank you! Each piece is a bite made of dark chocolate containing a layer of a cookie and it a different flavour of ice cream.
Finally, to end on a beautiful note, first here is a video taken by Bambi’s sister (Rania Azar-Berbery) last year a few moments before landing in Lebanon:
Second, here is a very short video taken by Bambi today. A choir of singers wearing Santa’s hats came to the Public garden near her parents’ place to sing some Christmas carols in Arabic, French, and English:
Last but not least, to end this post about corruption on a musical/spiritual note, here is a video of Ms. Zeina Farah and a choir. She is Bambi’s cousin (=niece or, as we say, first cousin once removed). In this video, you can listen to her singing acapella a beautiful Christmas prayer in Arabic at a Greek Orthodox Church (video from December, 2018). What a talent! Bravo!
This is Bambi commenting on Bambi’s own post :).
It is interesting to read Mr. Samuel Larochelle’s article in La Presse entitled “Faire le tour du Liban en quelques jours” (= Touring Lebanon in a few days), published on December 20, 2019.
For fun, here is the link in French with beautiful pictures:
I’ve been using the kebekistan way before that, a friend of mine from Ivory Coast use to say that in 2014
Thank you for sharing, Alino. The beautiful Québec has this funny name since 2014 then. You friend has a lot of imagination, just like Fred.