Lest we forget
“In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row…”
They will not be forgotten. May their memory be eternal.
Regardless of their mission or era, these men and women may have been our grand-parents, parents, children, or even grand-children. They may also be unknown soldiers yet with a story that hits home.
These soldiers may have helped or could help in future conflicts, in ice storms, or in severe flooding.
Bambi remembers our Armed Forces’ supportive missions in Québec in both 1990 (Oka crisis) and 1998 (Montréal ice storm).
More recently, she has also watched in the news how our army has helped during floods; closer to home and, once again, in Montréal.
Often, when Bambi takes a cab, she finds herself saying thank you to this or that driver from the Maritimes who has served in his youth not too far from where she was born and raised (e.g., Lebanon, Cyprus, Turkey, etc.).
These may be the lucky veterans who came back alive. Good for them and their families.
Veterans in our society
Sadly, some veterans come back from war with sad memories and/or awful injuries, both physically and morally.
Our society has been losing its reference points lately.
However today, Sackville proved this wrong.
As a community, Sackville demonstrated its wisdom, once again. Bambi is referring to the Sackville Memorial Park saga.
Our town took the time to pause and reflect, to be thankful, and to aspire for a more peaceful world.
Thank you to all those who made today possible.
The silent majority in Sackville was massively present at today’s sober ceremony. It was everything but silent today. Its presence spoke volumes not only about its values but also about its generational gratitude.
Speakers knew how to pay tribute whilst being spiritual.
Words and silent moments served as educational reminders to those who may have forgotten the meaning of Remembrance Day, all about the end of war. In other terms, this day is about death/life… and peace (“war is a last resort”, as it was well said today).
A special thanks to our Canadian Armed Forces (i.e., 8th Canadian Hussars) who showed up despite the saga mentioned above.
Bambi’s personal reflections
During the first part of the ceremony, Bambi couldn’t help not to have a thought (and a prayer in her heart) for Lebanon/the Lebanese Army as well. She also appreciates their sacrifices and peacekeeping efforts, especially during tough times there.
Clearly in Bambi’s mind, without the sacrifices of our veterans, neither us Canadians nor other populations around the world (e.g., Lebanon) would be able to freely express their thoughts and frustrations.
As well said today by the speaker/moderator in the Sackville Memorial Park, “Remembrance Day is not about glorifying war. It is about thanking our veterans who chose to serve. Their sacrifices stopped the tyranny so we can enjoy democracy today”.
We honour our veterans because we do not take our peace, our democracy, and even our civilization for granted.
When war has been part of the first 15 years of our life, we sadly know the absurd meaning of civil armed conflicts. We also know how to cherish peace.
For this, Bambi says: Thank you Canada (not just today but every day)!
Beyond Sackville
Bambi hopes that we will know how to remain proud Canadians in a world (global or inner) that, slowly but surely, seems to be pushing us toward less common sense, less respect for ourselves, for our heritage and history, as well as for less humanity (ironically in the name of humanity and morality).
May peace and democracy always prevail in our hearts, minds, and in our society… not just in Sackville but across our beautiful Canada and in the world.