When Bambi first read this article in the Global News, (https://globalnews.ca/news/5809545/tareq-hadhad-ppc-billboard/), she had the reflex to clean her *middle-aged* eye glasses, as she likes to call them ?. She honestly thought the article was by the CBC, not the Global news. You will see why in the following paragraphs.
The article is entitled: ‘Very hurtful to see,’ Peace by Chocolate founder says of anti-immigration billboard in Halifax”. Note how this title omits the word “mass”. Do journalists or title writers think we are that stupid to be able to discern, whether we agree or disagree with the topic?
Mr. Hadhad has been here for 3 years only and he already speaks the language of the Canadian establishment (i.e., video from 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4nJwLBllDM ), except that he is funnier, Bambi has to admit ?.
In the article above, he even allows himself to get *triggered* like this new trend in our society (a real product of his Canadian or Western times); what an exemplary integration!
In the Ted Talk video above (from last year), I find it surprising how an Arab businessman (entrepreneur) seems to insinuate that earning money is a bad thing… So why is he in business then if it is not to earn a living, to begin with?
Yes, of course, for giving back to society and for being kind, just like people who have been kind to him and his family. This is a BEAUTIFUL message. Full of humanity. Bravo also for being grateful but no need to lose one’s soul in the process…
Mr. Hadhad comes from a country that is tragically torn between a dictatorial ruling party and extreme religious freaks. He also comes from a country that SADLY has seen its population being massively displaced (over 1.5-2 million in the neighbouring Lebanon).
In Bambi’s humble opinion, he should know better about:
1. The danger of censorship in society (regardless of the message, whether we agree with it or not).
2. The challenges of *mass* immigration in the world to both the migrants themselves and overwhelmed host countries like Sweden or Germany where many of his fellow citizens relocated. Of course, and thank Goodness, Canada is not Germany; I agree with him that we do not have mass immigration. We are a cold country, we have oceans around and… whether we like it or not, we are somehow protected (for lack of better words) by the United States; Except when our Prime Minister invites people to illegally cross the border to our country (to distinguish himself from the vulgar Mr. Trump). We may not have mass migration (yet) but we are heading towards it, with 350K immigrants per year (instead of 150K or so) in the next 4 years.
Plus, not all our Syrian newcomers are as skilled/resourceful as him (bravo again for his chocolaty success!). MANY families are and may remain dependent on the Government for a living for years to come.
3. Governments come and go (maybe not in Syria though)… but countries stay. My piece of free advice for him as an older immigrant (who has voted for the Liberal party almost all her life) would be to remember that countries are meant to stay. For that, we need smart policies, including a good immigration plan like what we had in the past.
To conclude this post, coming back to the billboard question, Bambi wonders the following:
Why did this company remove its billboards? Because a few people, including Mr. Hadhad, complained? Why is it that spineless?
Plus, who gets to decide what billboards to keep and what to remove? Certain ads may make sense to some people. Other billboards to other folks for different reasons.
Can’t we ignore those we dislike whilst driving or walking?
In a democratic country, all politicians should be able to express themselves on any issue, especially when it is as important as immigration. This is the essence of a free society.
It is up to us the citizens to decide for whom to vote…or not. We are smart enough to do so. We do not need censorship.
I thought I left censorship behind when I immigrated to Canada.