May 28 is the wedding anniversary of Bambi’ parents (# 54).
How can she go to bed without highlighting this day?!
Congrats/”Mabrouk”! Bless your inspiring love.
Thank you for having shown Bambi (and her sisters) the greatest lesson in life: Love.
A love built on respect and trust. First comes the respect. The trust naturally follows.
Love that is pure.
Love that is flexible to go through discovery, passion, and friendship.
A lasting love to go through life stages and hardships, sometimes with humour.
Love that is solid to survive losses, wars, and pandemics.
Love that is human and simply simple. Yes, with ups and downs but also with wisdom and freedom. After all, love is a constant re-choice…
Your love has been fruitful with children and grandchildren (despite any loss, along the way).
You always chose to move forward in life. You gave your children roots and wings. For this, Bambi will forever be grateful.
To end on a lighter note now, Bambi will never forget two moments from her trips, visiting you:
The first moment took place a few years ago. Bambi must have been jet-lagged and using her time to work on a project of some sort. Her dad was still awake, editing a family video. In doing so, he must have wanted to chose pictures for his artistic creation. At one point, Bambi saw him looking at her mom’s picture for a long time. He then took his head out of his screen to tell her: “Look at your mom Bambi… how beautiful she is!“. Indeed, her mom is a very beautiful woman and it is cute how her dad has remained a man in love after all these years ?.
The second memory is an older one. Bambi was in her early twenties. She recalls asking her mom on their wedding anniversary: “Mom, what is the secret of your long union, tell me?” Very wisely, her mom said something like: “Love is beautiful at all stages but I guess the key is to accept that it will change with time… Perhaps less of a passion and more of a deeper bond, like a life friend“. Well, Bambi must have been quite silly back then (let’s blame it on her young age ?) as she replied something like “well this is nice…but if this it, I refuse to accept it!“.
Well, after 17 years in love with her spouse, she is convinced that her mom is one of the wisest women she has met in her life!
To conclude this post, Bambi would like to offer you two songs: The first is one of the most beautiful love songs of all times and maybe languages (mom, you can guess it…). It is: “Ne me quitte pas” (of Mr. Jacques Brel) interpreted by Ms. Hiba Tawagi at a concert in Byblos, Lebanon (2015). Finally, the second song is lighter. It is also by Hiba Tawagi, “Les moulins de mon coeur” but in Arabic.
Thank you, mom and dad, for being whom you are and for raising us the way you did. Bambi loves you (are you surprised to hear it ??) Happy wedding anniversary!