At the end of today’s post, you can find one, from 2020, which was entitled “One month apart, Mr. Saab Erakat died and Dr. Hanane Achraoui resigned. Will the Palestinian leadership reform or dive into more Islamism?“.
We now have an answer to the question that was raised in the title. Sadly, it is definitely more Islamism as well as criminality in addition to corruption…. of course, all this in the name of a noble resistance. How sad for this cause and for the people of the beautiful Palestine.
At the end of earlier post, Bambi raised more questions which were as follows:
“How about elections also?
Of course, according to Bambi, it would be nice to see more secularism in the Palestinian public life (i.e., the Islamism of Hamas) and more independence from Iran’s influence.
As for Israel, is it too complicated to stop colonization and make Jerusalem shared for both co-existing nations?“
As you can guess from several other posts, Bambi does not endorse political assassinations of anyone, not even of an evil person (in the true sense of persistent behaviour and lack of empathy). For her, it is a principle just like her disapproval of death penalty; for ALL, no exception for anyone, not even for psychopaths or for malignant narcissists, that is with the dark triad.
By principle then, the above would also apply to someone as evil as the new leader of Hamas who, unsurprisingly, is much worse than the one who was recently killed by Israel (Bambi is not naming them because she is more interested in their behaviours over their characters). This being said, may everyone’s memory be eternal, including whom we might think are evil. Now, just think of the latest item on the CV of the new Hamas leader, which is the planning of a massacre. Can you imagine? We are talking about kidnapping of kids and innocent people, acts of rape and even of disrespect of human bodies… of course, again, in the name of a noble resistance.
Stated differently, is Bambi celebrating this new political nomination, like Mr. Nasrallah and Iran? No, of course not. It is a dangerous act of defiance. Indeed, it is an insult not just for Israel but also for all the innocent victims of this absurd war in all the countries of the region, starting with Palestine itself. More importantly, in the bigger scheme of things, it is also an insult for the hope of peace.
How can we hope for peace when the mindset of revenge (ie. an eye for an eye) is practised by both/all players. Some might say: yes, but does Israel have another choice? Others might say: yes, but does the current Palestinian leadership in Gaza, have another choice now, following the political assassination and given the massive destruction (including Hamas’ infrastructure), along with the resulting heartbreaking tragedy for the Palestinians. Needless to say that Hamas likely cannot see its own role in this human disaster, in addition to Israel’s responsibility. Regardless, there is truth in a positive answer to the two questions, which were raised above, especially when we put ourselves in the shoes of each side.
The wiser choice for all would be to learn/re-learn to accept one another, but how is this realistically possible? In the end, no one should/can eliminate the other. At least in Bambi’s dictionary of reason, it is never too late to work for peace, instead of being trapped in a vicious cycle when it comes to the cult of death and the mindset of revenge.
Is there hope for a deescalation now? Maybe/hopefully? We never know what is happening behind the scenes in any negotiations among the world’s leaders, including the players on the ground.
What about peace? Is there any leftover hope for the latter in the region? SADLY, peace seems to be increasingly unlikely, even if it would be nice to think that there is always light at the end of a tunnel. Indeed, even before the doomed October 7, 2023, Bambi’s thoughts were as follows (Robert, if you are reading, you may recall the discussion we had 1-2 years before the pandemic?): the Middle East’s eternal conflict will be solved when Bambi’s children will become grandparents… As a reminder, she does not have kids. Draw your own conclusion.
Anyhow, with or without peace, with or without an imminent wider war, Bambi will keep praying for peace. May everyone re-commit to reason. May healing, and eventually love, prevail, not just peace. ALL the innocent people, especially children, on BOTH/ALL sides deserve to live and enjoy life, including those in Lebanon. Enough of acts of war. How about acts of love for a change?