The soccer tragedy in Majdel Shams, Golan Heights: yes, war is both cruel and absurd

Twelve youth died in a soccer field in Majdel Shams in the Golan Heights. This recent tragedy could ( or could not spark a wider war between Lebanon and the Hezbollah.

Regardless of the development on the ground, may the souls of these beautiful young children and teens be well received in heaven. May God (yes the same G-D or Allah) of love and mercy know how to comfort their families.

If Bambi may add, she cannot help not to share that this Israeli-controlled village, where the tragedy happened and that she has never visited reminded her of the Syrian Bride movie of Mr. Eran Riklis. If she recalls well, she had the pleasure to watch the latter on an Air Canada International Flight in 2004. If she is not mistaken, the story took place in the same village of Majdel Shams. However, in the movie, there was joy and hope of love. Now, there is deep sorrow and fear of war.

Of note, both the movie and today’s reality show us the endless absurdity of the situation of the Middle East. Indeed, “the storyof the movie “deals with a Druze wedding and the troubles the politically unresolved situation creates for the personal lives of the people in and from the village. The film’s plot looks at the Arab-Israeli conflict through the story of a family divided by political borders and how their lives are fractured by the region’s harsh political realities”. (

There is nothing that could be said, and even felt, when we hear about the continuous tragedies of wars and armed conflicts. Indeed, less than two weeks ago, in Warsaw, Bambi and her spouse bumped into a senior Ukrainian woman with whom they briefly chatted on the sidewalk where she was working for a restaurant. This lady broke their hearts when she started crying while talking about war. Bambi tapped her shoulder and promised her to pray for her family and friends. When they visited a nearby beautiful old church to act on the promise, Bambi and her spouse were deeply touched to read about the history of this place: during World War II, there had been a massacre in this place of worship and many lives were lost.

Enough of wars and absurd violence. May diplomacy and reason know how to prevail again. May the light of healing, love, sustainable safety, and peace find their ways not only to Majdel Shams, but also to Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Israel, and the entire Middle East as well as to the world, including Ukraine and other places of armed conflicts.

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