Surprise, Jessy! For your birthday and to honour our childhood friendship, Bambi has a few songs for you today.
First and foremost, she will reassure you that your first personalized Happy Birthday melody is meant for a “Jessy“, not for a “Djéjé” [chicken in the Lebanese-Arabic dialect, which would be “Dajaja” in Standard Arabic]. She hopes you are smiling now :). Seriously, please consider this joke as Bambi’s way of publicly ask for your forgiveness for all her childhood and youth silly moments where she indulged in teasing to the point that chicken became like a slightly annoying habit and a contagious familial tradition.
Jessy, Bambi loves you so much ❤️. Her dream is to feature your superb, impressive jewellery creations on her blog one of these days. For now, she will just focus on thanking you for being her wonderful, and loyal, friend for the past 48 years . Long live le “Petit Jardin” where we met when we started our school journey together.
Despite being busy with your lovely family, inspiring teaching career, and extended familial responsibilities, you have always taken the time to check on Bambi’s parents. You have done it in times of peace as well as Lebanon’s historical drama. Indeed, over the past three decades, you have called or visited them, making them feel cared for and loved. As you know, they also love you a lot, like their daughter.
May you have a wonderful birthday, Jessy. Have fun and get spoiled too. God knows how much you deserve it!