Louis, if you happen to be reading this post, do not panic! It is Mothers’ Day in Lebanon and part of the Middle East ONLY, not in Canada [Bernadette, your turn is in May :)]. Indeed, this fixed date coincides with the start of the spring season.
This being said, it is almost midnight and Bambi lacks words to express her deep love, gratitude, and fondness for her mom. Thus, she will borrow the beautiful lyrics of a few songs she would like to offer Robine today, wishing her a wonderful day with her family [OK minus Bambi :)].
The first deep Lebanese-Arabic song, by Ms. Nancy Ajram, is subtitled in English. The second French one about “the beautiful eyes” of Mr. Kendji Girac’s “mama” does not need any introduction. Plus, the talented Mr. Alexis Carlier was featured on this blog in the past. The third moving song is bilingual: in both Italian and French, thanks to Mr. Claude Capeo. As for the last two lighter kids’ songs, they are in Arabic and French respectively. They are meant to bring a smile to your face, mom.
To conclude this musical post, Bambi will advise you dear readers of this blog to block your ears because she is about to shout across ocean, sea, and land:
Akbel el Mieh Mama Habibi!
Bambi t’aime tant!