Luckily, we are still in the summer as it will officially end on September 22.
However, some would say that the summer ends when kids go back to school. If Bambi is not mistaken, it is this week in some Canadian provinces like Québec.
Others would argue that it will end after the long weekend of labour day, which falls on Monday September 5 this year. It is not for nothing that many North American universities start their academic year immediately after Labour day (or the last long weekend of the summer season).
Regardless, Bambi would add that the end of the summer is also a mindset; a readiness, so to speak, and surely a concrete preparation for many of us. In other terms, it is both a realization and an acceptance that the end of a season means the beginning of another one. Indeed, Bambi once wrote on her blog the following: “Even if Bambi loves the summer (in which she was born), she adores the fall season, especially in our part of North America with its magical colours”.
Thus, we can argue that grieving the end of a stage is like the little good-bye we say to a season: It is a transition from one stage to the other. It is all about moving forward in life and learning to live in a transformed way. For instance, it may be without the presence of a loved one, whether a dear human or a pet. It may also be with a new dawn, dream, or a life project. It may also be with a renewal of ourselves, even within the continuation of the same processes, relations, or journeys.
Anyhow, transitions are usually a vulnerable period of a life. Luckily, they also carry an incredible potential for learning and growth.
May your forthcoming seasonal transition be smooth and rewarding, regardless of where you will be at that particular time of your life.
To conclude this post, which seems a bit too philosophical even if Bambi does not pretend to take herself or life too seriously :), here are a few songs referring to the end of the summer or start of the autumn season!