Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day in Toronto: is it surprising that this brainchild of Iran wants Israel to cease to exist?

Year after year, especially since October 2023, the Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day, has been promoted as being for the rights of the Palestinians. Most likely, and sadly, this annual event has nothing to do with justice for the Palestinian people. It just pretends to speak in the name of the Palestinians How sad. How unfair.

But what could the agenda of such global day be? Based on an article published in the BBC (Siavash Ardalan, 2013, ten years before the massacre of October 7, 2023), the idea of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day came from Mr. Ebrahim Yazdi, Iran’s second foreign minister after the revolution in 1979 ( We all know how much Iran is fond of Israel, namely with its famous chants of “Death to Israel“, in addition to “Death to America”.

Given the above, and in the context of increased antisemitism in Canada and worldwide, Torontonians of Jewish heritage are anxious. The police has been urged to protect Jews as reported by the National Post (

Because of the potential for excesses in this protest (like past ones), “B’nai Brith Canada has urged the mayors of Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, and Vancouver to ban the event“.

In as much as Bambi disagrees with the approach of these events, she disagrees with the esteemed B’nai Brith Canada. Why? Because she is against cancel culture. In other terms, she is with freedom of expression for ALL, which includes the most radical voices within Islamism and wokeism.

It is Bambi’s hope that these protests, which are planned to take place on Sunday, the 23rd of March, will be as peaceful as possible, that is without expressed hatred and acts of vandalism.

As for the volatile and bloody Middle East, may God/G-D/Allah/No existing God(s) have mercy on ALL the innocent people of all sides and in all places.

Enough of absurd violence in the name of ideologies, including religious ones. Enough of individual and collective trauma. Enough of suffering. Just enough.

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