Regardless of what you have been going through lately, or what is on your mind while reading this post, may your journey toward, and into, 2025 be filled with self-care. Indeed, this is Bambi’s wish for each one of you from the bottom of her heart.
This wish is inspired by the spirit of tenderness in Grégoire’s uplifting French song, “Je te souhaite une bonne année” [I wish you a Happy New Year]. If you wish to read an English translation of the lyrics, taken from YouTube, please see the text below.
Happy 2025, dear readers of this blog!
“I wish you a Happy New Year, filled with love, filled with dreams
And above all with health, and endless tenderness
I wish you to be happy and if you are, to stay that way
I wish you all the best that your heart can imagine
I wish you success in achieving the impossible
Yes, you can do it because nothing, no, is inaccessible
I wish you to realize how lucky we are to be there, to tell you that at the end, we complain a little too much sometimes
I wish you a Happy New Year, filled with love, filled with dreams
And above all with health, and endless tenderness
I wish you friendship, affection and gentleness
Yes, I wish you to share because together, everything is better
I wish you indulgence for those who see the glass half empty, for those who do have the luck to have hope in the pit of their belly
I wish you a mild winter, a spring full of promises, a careless summer and an autumn tinged with joy
I wish you a Happy New Year, filled with love, filled with dreams
And above all with health, and endless tenderness
I wish you compassion for all those who harm you
because one day, yes, they will understand that they hurt themselves
I wish you to forgive and to avoid all the anger, of those who only know how to cast their misfortune on the whole earth
I wish you lightness to tell you that life is beautiful, to no longer cling to the past, to its never ending complaint
I wish you a Happy New Year, filled with love, filled with dreams
And above all with health, and endless tenderness
I wish you magic in all your projects, to see that above the rain, the sun continues to shine
I wish you to know that by being negative, you never get to see the bright side, the positive
I wish you to never procrastinate until later, never to realize, that now, it is too late
I wish you a Happy New Year, filled with love, filled with dreams
And above all with health, and endless tenderness…“