Regular readers of this blog may know that Bambi is into journaling, diaries, and dates.
How could she not highlight today then?
If she may, she wants to do it not with a song-prayer for her mom, but rather with a beautiful, and even joyful, song about living [called “Vivre”] by the talented Grégoire from France, subtitled in English.
She dedicates this song to her late mom (heaven) and to her dad (Beirut) as well as to her sisters and all the beloved family and faithful friends, especially to you dear Michael/Stéphanie on your first wedding anniversary, along with the tiny life on the way
She offers the song to Nayla too on her birthday, yes today. Have fun dearest childhood friend of Bambi !
Yes, the same song also to Rony whose mom reached heaven on the same day as Bambi’s mother. May they both be resting in peace, with an eternal memory .
Last but not least, the song goes to Mary who rushed to the condolences for Robine, with her/our dearest Mounir, following her good-bye to her own mom. May her memory… as well as Mounir’s loving memory, be eternal .
Despite the sorrow, death is a natural part of life. As Mr. Grégoire’s song goes in the beautiful language of Molière, “yes, my friends, we will live and live fully, intensely… Forgetting that we are going to die“. His song’s lyrics also continue as follows: “Always live by telling ourselves that, apart from love, nothing is urgent… The rest is vain, inconsistent because one day we are going to die. But until then, we are going to live“.
Thank you mom as well as dad for Bambi’s life, roots, wings, and values, especially love (along with respect and trust).
As for your dear readers, whether regular or newer ones, thank you for your time spent on this post until its end. May you enjoy the song too, if you wish to listen to it. Have a nice day, evening, or night (depending on your time zone).

Bambi thanks you, dear Roula ❤️.