National Camera Day: bravo to Brittany for her stunning pictures and videos of the province of New Brunswick!

Long live New Brunswick’s beautiful trails!

Did you know that today is devoted to cameras in all their “forms”? Yes, it is National Camera Day ( Bearing the latter in mind, Bambi is grateful to Brittany for her artistic skills in using her camera as well as for her generosity. Indeed, thanks to her friend’s lens, this post is devoted to the beauty of the Atlantic Canadian province of New Brunswick (NB). Of note, the eleven pictures and two videos, shared below, were taken in the region of Alma (Fundy-Albert;, Crooked Creek river (, and in Quiddy Falls ( This post will end with The New Brunswick Song by the talented Mr. Ethan Ash and Mr. James Mullinger. Thanks again and happy Canada long weekend, Brittany :)❤️!

A picture taken in Alma, NB, by Brittany
A picture taken in Alma, NB, by Brittany
A picture taken in Alma, NB, by Brittany
A picture taken in Alma, NB, by Brittany
A picture taken in Alma, NB, by Brittany
A picture taken in Alma, NB, by Brittany
A picture taken in Crooked Creek river, NB, by Brittany
A picture taken in Crooked Creek river, NB, by Brittany
A picture taken in Crooked Creek river, NB, by Brittany

A picture taken in Quiddy Falls, NB, by Brittany
A picture taken in Quiddy Falls NB, by Brittany
A video taken in Alma,NB, by Brittany

A video of Quiddy Falls, NB, taken by Brittany

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