Mr. Nicola Ciccone’s voice makes Bambi’s heart melt. Maybe he touches her heart because of his sensitivity mixed with his artistic talent? Maybe because his moving and beautiful voice sings for beauty in the world, love, friendship, happiness, coping with domestic violence, autism (i.e., he is the spokesperson for the “Fédération québécoise de l’autisme“), and many other meaningful topics? Who knows? Maybe also because of sweet memories of the genuine peer he had been in graduate school?
Anyhow, Bambi was happy to discover today Mr. Ciconne’s new song, which is entitled “Tu sei la voce“. She wished she could understand all the Italian lyrics (she can get a word here and there). Maybe those of you who understand this beautiful language can translate it for her one day :)?
Until then, she would like to imagine that this song is about being the voice of truth, love in the world, healing, and of humanity. May each one of us be the best voice we can be, that is our own unique voice. May our voice know how to listen to all the other voices. May other voices also know how to respect our voice.
Wherever you are, Happy weekend, whether it is a short or a long one for you. More specifically, for those of you who may be reading this post from out of the United States, Happy Memorial long weekend to you!