Bambi just learned from the Journal de Montréal (https://shorturl.at/V08q6) that Mr. Mario Pelchat must cancel 45 concerts he had planned to perform at his vineyard in Québec this summer. Why? Because the “Commission for the Protection of Agricultural Land of Québec” refuses to give it authorization“. It is unclear why precisely, but he has been told there was one single complaint. However, he did not know by whom and for what precisely. Too much noise? His vineyard is large, mind you, and no neighbour has ever complained (https://shorturl.at/V08q6). This governmental agency expressed to this artist that they only have 7 inspectors to drive through the province over the summer. Hence the refusal to authorize his 45 summer concerts. Mr. Pelchat expressed his disappointment because he filed all the required documents for his business (https://shorturl.at/V08q6).
Yes, the 45 planned performances at his estate this summer are now sadly cancelled. Furthermore, Mr. Pelchat reported having much anxiety over this saga. Why would someone want to become a paper pusher, if it is at the expense of his/her well-being and the result is negative at the end of the long process?
Of note, Mr. Pelchat had planned to perform his own songs and make a tribute to Mr. Gilbert Bécaud. Unfortunately, from 9,000 to 11,000 tickets are now lost. Some clients were coming from as far as New Brunswick and even from France. Too bad as it would have been a nice opportunity to discover, and ideally purchase, his/his spouse’s wine while enjoying the beauty of their place/region. Thankfully, some disappointed clients reassured him that they are still planning to visit, minus the music. They will be reimbursed for the latter (https://shorturl.at/V08q6). Good for them, but how unfair not only to only to Mr. Pelchat, but also sadly to 35 employees and… to tourism in Québec!
Bambi wrote this post tonight because she is in solidarity with Mr. Mario Pelchat, in particular, and with entrepreneurs in general. Long live summer, music, wine, fun… and may governmental bureaucracy know how to find its flexibility and common sense again.