Ms. Roula Azar-Douglas: isn’t her tribute to her mom beautiful?

Roula, Bambi’s eyes are filled with tears, reading your beautiful tribute to your mom. Thank you!

Published in L’Orient Le Jour on September 1st, 2023

Roula’s French article, shown above and published in the L’Orient Le Jour today, can be found here: Below is a quick English translation, thanks to Mr. Google Translate, Bambi’s loyal friend:

To Robine Fiani Azar, my mother

Writing to you, I’ve done it hundreds of times, Mom, but never publicly. As you take off, I speak to you one last time, just to see your name printed in black and white before the eyes of the whole world. You who lived your life discreetly in the shadow of us all, you deserve the light.

I’ve missed you for a while now, Mom, long before your sudden departure, when my sisters and I and all your grandchildren were out of the country.

I’ve missed you for a while now, Mom, ever since this country tried so hard to drain you of your energy, your serenity, your joy of living, gradually killing you on a daily basis without mercy. Tired, you were, exhausted. From the explosion of August 4, 2020, the collapse of the pound, the shortage of medicines, the heat that the generators’ electrical supply was no longer able to adequately combat…

I miss you already, mom. Nothing will be the same without you. Now I must learn to live in your absence, to reinvent myself without your gaze. I also have to imagine new ways of communicating with you, of telling you that I love you, of feeling your presence, of seeing myself with your eyes.

I miss you already, mom. Nothing will be the same without you.

Your eldest“.

In conclusion, following Roula’s heartfelt tribute to our mom, Bambi would like to share two beautiful pictures of her parents, Antoine and Robine. These will be followed by: (1) words of wisdom transmitted to the family by Olga with love (Ontario, Canada); (2) a soothing Arabic song by Fairuz from the sweet Greta (Québec, Canada). The lyrics of the latter, which is entitled “I believe“, appear at the end of this post in English (; and (3) a prayer in French from Smith (Ontario, Canada). Lovely musical discoveries. Bambi will surely re-listen to these spiritual songs once back home. Thank you. Many thanks to all those who kindly shared poems and wise or sweet words (including you Sita from out of the Netherlands) 💜.

Robine and Antoine in Canada.
Robine and Antoine in Lebanon.

I believe (taken from:

“I believe that behind the peaceful seeds

Heavens prosper

I believe that, behind the fierce night waves, there’s a bright lamp up high

I believe the the heart thrown in sorrow meets tenderness

I’m full of faith

I believe that, behind the hurricane air, there are lips that recite the prayer

I believe that, in the silence of the enclosed universe, there is someone who listens to me

If my eyes ever aspire to the sky, the lights clear and the tunes get higher

I’m full of faith”.

11 thoughts on “Ms. Roula Azar-Douglas: isn’t her tribute to her mom beautiful?”

  1. The most wonderful tribute for a terrific mother–who will be very missed by her children, grandchildren and all who were lucky to know her!! My heart aches for your Family and wishes that i could share the grief of your loss with all who knew her!,

    1. Oh dearest Ray– many thanks for your heartfelt and heart-warming words. Long live those fun memories with Robine and Antoine in Toronto. Bambi’s both worlds united in good times… and now we are united in sorrow. You take good care. Much love back to you from all the family, including Bambi.

  2. Robine va être toujours fière de vous 🙏❤️
    Il ya un proverbe libanais :
    Yelle khallaf ma met »
    Je vous aime ❤️🙏

    1. Ohhh Roula, this is a beautiful saying. Yes, Robine as well as all our parents, all of us (yours too) live through us. They will remain alive in our hearts and values, etc.Lovely. You take good care. Bambi et al. also love you big time.

      1. Bambi replied fast and forgot to thank you for your kind words about Robine’s pride of her children. Merci chère Roula F.!

  3. Her words express our feelings toward our late parents. Very well expressed. A part of us change when they leave us. we should live this life in a way that could honour them , until our souls meet again.
    May the Lord helps you all to adjust with this new situation .
    May her soul Rest In Peace.

    1. How wise, how beautifully said. Indeed… And Bambi is thinking of your late dad now, Aline. May his as well as her mom’s memory be eternal. MUCH love to you, dearest friend. Roula will be touched by your words. Thank you.

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