In eight days, that is on August 4, 2023, Beirutis will commemorate the third anniversary of their surrealistic port explosion, which destroyed much of Beirut. Of note, the double explosion was “the largest non-nuclear blast in history” (https://rb.gy/e6k5z).
Indeed, this human-made tragedy resulted in the following outcomes: 218 deaths, 7500 injuries, 300, 000 instant homeless people, 150+ permanently disabled, over 3/4 of massive destruction of Lebanon’s capital, 4 hospitals totally destroyed, and US$15, 000, 000, 000 worth of damage. All this without forgetting all those who have been traumatized; many of whom migrated around the world, including Canada.
As you may likely recall (or guess), Bambi has MANY older posts about this topic, all archived on this blog. In this post, she wants to simply share with you two pieces of: (1) information, filled with integrity as well as courage; and (2) music, entitled “Beyrouth souveraine” [The Sovereign Beirut] with Ms. Thilda Moubayed as the poet-lyric writer, Ms. Louise Molinaro as the singer, Mr. Pierre Abou Jaoudé as the videographer, Ms. Molinaro and Mr. Alain Dubart as the composers, Mr. Dubart as the recording and mastering professional, and Ms. Molinaro, as the producer.
First, let’s start with the media information: L’Orient Le Jour (OLJ) informed us today of the following (https://rb.gy/nbzlp): “The investigating judge at the Court of Justice, Tarek Bitar, wants to continue his investigation into the double explosion at the port at all costs, several judicial sources tell OLJ. In office for two and a half years, the magistrate was only able to conduct his investigation for six months because of the obstacles of the political class. A few days before the commemoration of the third anniversary of the tragedy of August 4, “he is determined to sooner or later reach the end of his investigation which, it seems, has been three-quarters completed”, assures a senior magistrate who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the file. “Despite the smear campaigns, moral pressure and threats to his life, he does not want to drop the case unless the CSM and the Minister of Justice who appointed him decide to revoke him,” he adds”.

Following this piece of information, now is the time for music. The YoutTube video, which you can watch below, will be followed by a quick English translation of the French poem (shared at the end of this post). As usual, thanks to Mr. Google Translate whose English words are shockingly powerful, even without rhyming, like in the original French poetry.
Where is the truth for Beirut, almost three years later? And will there ever be justice, and a resemblance of healing, for the families of the victims? Bambi will not end this post, as she usually does. Instead, she will invite you to come up with your own conclusion about the hope of change in the land of impunity.
“It is true that my land was the object of a desire
Princess coveted by delirious princes
Swearing by her beauty but they’re way the worst
Oh you flower of the world with the petals that we tear
After all this noise and these bodies spread out
On your beloved land explored
The body of your children torn apart
And you breathe in a jerky beat
Beirut the unusual Beirut the warrior
Succumbing a thousand times under the weight of a thousand wars
Rising to the challenge, haughty sovereign
Embraced and carried by our arms in prayer
Here you are now carried on a stretcher
Framed in flags, torn, angry
Can you tell us a word that lifts us up
And how to get you out of this sordid ordeal
I have seen so many nations present their offerings
But what can the present do when the pain floods
The hearts of these parents gazing at the remains
Bloody, burning with their flesh that we defile
They come to help us, each doing their rounds
In the midst of vultures, ours which abound
Only a mother would know, she has the goodness of the world
Embalm your children with incense and lavender
And where are they who are swallowing up my land
Has anyone seen them crying or angry
Their heads in their hands raise a prayer
But no, they empty the pockets they pierced a while ago
Haunted by power and business acumen
They strip the spoils rummaging in their viscera
They’re still tinkering behind iron walls
Consulting in turn only the voices of hell”.
BEYROUTH SOUVERAINE (lyrics taken from YouTube)
” Il est vrai que ma terre fût l’objet d’un désir
Princesse convoitée par des princes en délire
Jurant par sa beauté mais ce sont bien les pires
Oh toi fleur du monde aux pétales qu’on déchire
Après tout ce vacarme et ces corps étalés
Sur ta terre citée adulée explorée
Le corps de tes enfants déchirés éclatés
Et toi rendant ton souffle sur un rythme saccadé
Beyrouth l’insolite Beyrouth la guerrière
Succombant milles fois sous le poids de milles guerres
Relevant le défi, souveraine altière
Enlacée et portée par nos bras en prière
Te voici à présent portée sur une civière
Encadrée de drapeaux, déchirée, en colère
Peux-tu nous dire un mot qui nous soulève éclaire
Et comment te sortir de ce sordide calvaire
J’ai vu tant de nations présenter leurs offrandes
Mais que peuvent les présents quand la douleur inonde
Le cœur de ces parents regardant les dépouilles
Ensanglantées, brulantes de leur chair que l’on souille
Ils viennent nous secourir chacun faisant sa ronde
Au milieu de vautours, les nôtres qui abondent
Seule une mère saurait, elle a la bonté du monde
Embaumer ses enfants d’encens et de lavande
Et où sont-ils ceux-là qui engloutissent ma terre
Quelqu’un les a-t-il vu en pleur ou en colère
Leurs têtes entre leurs mains élever une prière
Mais non ils vident les poches qu’ils ont troué naguère
Hantés par le pouvoir et le sens des affaires
Ils dépouillent les dépouilles fouillant dans leurs viscères
Ils traficotent encore derrière des murs en fer
Consultant tour à tour seules les voix de l’enfer”.