Before going to sleep late yesterday night, Bambi came across a YouTube video referring to the death of M.s Linda De Suza at the age of 74. Her brain immediately dismissed the news as a hoax. Perhaps because she has seen many of the latter about other artists or even politicians? Or perhaps because our first natural reaction to death is denial (https://bit.ly/3G0dxlm)? Regardless, Bambi just heard a confirmation of this sad news on her internet Lebanese-American radio, along with a couple of De Suza’s immortal songs.
Of note, Bambi was preparing a post on censorship in Canada, which will be a translation of a very thoughtful article of Dr. Joseph Facal (in partnership with her beloved friend, Mr. Google Translate, of course) and an opportunity to share her recent musical discovery on liberty. She put it aside now, perhaps until tomorrow, to post this brief tribute to Ms. Linda De Suza… May her memory be eternal.
You may perhaps wonder why would Bambi be saddened by the death of Ms. De Suza to that extent? No, it is not only because she is BIG fan of this inspiring lady (who sold over 2 million records); like many fellow fans worldwide, not just in France or Portugal. Indeed, it may be perhaps the case because her French songs have rocked Bambi’s childhood and adolescence in Beirut. It is as if a part of her youth has died now with Ms. De Suza, even if her music will outlive her and us all.
Indeed, God knows how many times her songs played on the Lebanese radio during its bloody civil war (1975-1990), bringing tenderness and romance in the middle of brutality; how many times Bambi listened to them: alone, with her sisters, or with friends at the end of parties when music usually turns into slow dancing. She recalls having taking the time to write down De Suza’s beautiful lyrics more than once. She even sang them; alone do not worry because it is safer to the ears of her loved ones. Ms. De Susa’s lyrics are so beautiful that even a frog’s voice cannot succeed in turning them to bad melodies!
Thank you, Ms. De Suza for having existed and for your eternal musical heritage. You were an icon of the successful, and moving, Portuguese migrant to France. You built bridges between hearts in your adoptive and birth countries. Your beautiful influence travelled beyond Europe, including Lebanon and other francophone or francophile places. Heartfelt condolences from Bambi to your loved ones. Again, may your memory be eternal, as it will remain in your fans’ hearts and brains’ limbic system ❤️.
To end this tribute, Bambi will allow herself to borrow the translated concluding words of President Macron and his spouse in their official statement (https://bit.ly/3GpTb6p). Following this, she will share some of Ms. Linda De Suza’s most famous songs found on YouTube (a couple come with an English translation). She hopes you will enjoy either re-listening to them or discovering them.
“At the crossroads of two cultures, two languages, translating her greatest French successes into Portuguese, she asserted herself as an icon of the crossed destinies of our two peoples, and sponsored Portugal when it joined the European Union in 1986.
The President of the Republic and his spouse salute this talented singer who builds bridges between the country where she began her life and the one where she ended it, in this Normandy which was dear to her. They send their sincere condolences to her son, his family, and all those moved by her songs, in Portugal and in France.”

ya Allah Bambi j adore ces chansons. Nostalgie du temps qui passes trop vite !!! oh mon Dieu ❤❤❤❤
Oh Rana– comme tu as raison: ce beau temps qui passe trop vite! Bambi rêve de te revoir et faire d’autres beaux souvenirs de famille ?! Merci à Madame De Suza et à sa belle musique française! Que son âme repose en paix ?.