Thank God there is music in life to entertain or inspire us.
Thankfully, there is also something called a sense of humour (at least for those who still know how to nurture it).
Bearing this in mind, thanks to a Lebanese-American radio station, tonight Bambi discovered a new song (the latter may be a well-known one, but not by a dinosaur). She later found this bilingual melody on Youtube, hoping you will enjoy it too.
Even if she was sleepy, when she first heard “Danse avec moi“, Bambi felt the urge to dance. While later watching the video, she had an additional urge, which was to applaud… while dancing.
Anyhow, bravo to Ms. Hayfa Al Fakih (director) et al. for this excellent production. Thanks to Ms. Mirva Kadi and Mr. Shady Farrah (singers), along with their fellow musicians and dancers, for the fun moments!