One of Bambi’s Dutch family members kindly accepted to share some pictures with you. “Dank u well” to her :)!
Talking about her, and with her agreement, Bambi plans to share a post featuring her artistic talent one of these days. She is eager to introduce you to her angelic voice, music, and texts full of humanity. Stay tuned everyone!
Without further ado, here are four pictures of the Netherlands’ famous tulips. May the beautiful colours of these flowers inspire each one of us to become better human beings.
To conclude this post on a musical note related to the Netherlands, following the pictures, you can hear Michel Fugain’s famous French song entitled “C’est une belle histoire” in both Dutch and French. This song is meant to be a friendly wink to someone very dear to Bambi and her spouse (she knows why :)!). She is being greatly missed, along with her/our family there, perhaps today more than ever…
Enjoy everyone!

Les tulipes sont extraordinaires, de tres belles photos.Il y a encore beaucoup de beaute dans ce monde,les fleurs ne peuvent s’exprimer mais je suis positive quelles seraient de tout coeur avec toi et t’aiderais a passer a travers cette periode difficile et injuste.Bon courage .
TRÈS chère Claire, comme c’est gentil et que c’est bien dit… Merci du fond du coeur. Bambi t’aime tant!
Amazing colours! So beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Many thanks from Bambi!