Bambi already celebrated Easter (with the majority…) but today she wants to send her love to her parents as it is their Greek Orthodox Palm Sunday, along with a prayer she loves dearly.
Bambi’s parents are the most open-minded people she has ever met in her life. Spiritually rooted in their faith yet open to the world, namely to all faiths, non-faith, or whatever else. They even easily forgive those with close-minded ideologies, even when the latter want to kill loved ones. For them and for Bambi, what matters the most in life is: RESPECT (self- and respect for others). Respect is the best antidote to injustice, discrimination, civil conflicts, racism, etc.
Anyhow, to conclude this post, Bambi is happy you survived the pandemic (fully vaccinated for a while) and your Beirut port surrealistic explosion that destroyed your apartment and store… to be able to live this significant week filled with beautiful Byzantine chants. Enjoy :)!